19 Things Never to Say to Your Shy Kid on the First Day of School

Whether your little one is in denial that Summer is coming to a fast end or is counting down the days until he or she is back in class with friends, there's bound to be some nerves on the first day of school. It doesn't matter if your kiddo is attending the same school or doesn't know a single peer; they are going to feel some extra pressure on that first day. But when your child is particularly shy, starting a new grade can bring about more than slight nerves or a hint of anxiety. To help your timid kid deal with that extra stress of figuring out their new normal, these are the 19 things you want to avoid saying — or risk adding to their anxiety.

  1. There's nothing to be worried about.
  2. You're crazy to be this stressed about the first day.
  3. It isn't a big deal — it's just school.
  4. Nobody will like you if you're quiet.
  5. Just be yourself — but try not to be so shy.
  6. You're worrying over nothing.
  7. Your brother/sister had a fantastic time in that grade.
  8. Stressing about the first day is just going to make it scarier.
  9. How bad could your teacher be?
  10. What's the worst thing that could happen if you get lost?
  11. You're going to come home with tons of friends.
  12. Stressing about school is just going to make things worse.
  13. You won't have any problems.
  14. The first day is such a silly thing to be worried about!
  15. Trust me, it's going to all be OK.
  16. I can't understand why going to school has you so upset.
  17. If you just try, I'm sure you'll make lots of friends.
  18. There's nothing at school to be afraid of.
  19. Nobody likes the kids who cry.