This Woman's Reaction to Having to Go Dairy-Free Is Making Us Want to Stress-Eat Cheese

Moms will sacrifice anything for their kids without a moment's hesitation, so why, then, is the sheer idea of having to give up dairy for our breastfeeding baby tantamount to a death sentence?

That's the mix of emotions Esther Anderson is going through right about now, following a doctor's appointment during which she confirmed that her baby Aubrey has an allergy to cow's milk. Because she's still nursing, that means Esther has to cut all forms of dairy from her diet, too.

While grieving the loss of "every delicious food in [her] life," she held up a thick packet of papers outlining the dos and don'ts of her new nutrition plan: "The nurse just handed this to me like it was just another day. They need some sort of therapy or like a counselor who can sit down with you and go through your feelings."

Sure, she says that whenever she looks at her "cute little baby," it's worth it. But she also says, "Whenever I'm not looking at her, and I'm looking at M&Ms . . ."

We feel you, mama.