This Ode to Yoga Pants Is For Every Mom Wearing Them Right Now

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This video was originally featured on MyLifeSuckers by Deva Dalporto, who is part of POPSUGAR Select Moms. You can subscribe to her YouTube channel here.

When it comes to parenting fashion (that's not an oximoron, we swear), everyone jokes about mom jeans, but in truth, there's a far more universal garment that is guaranteed to be found in every mother's closet.

Yoga pants.

If you're wearing a pair right now (or plan to the minute you walk through your front door tonight), you'll appreciate mommy vlogger Deva Dalporto's rap-style ode to the stretchy, comfy, forgiving pants that all moms turn to despite never attending an actual yoga class and regardless of having a closet full of other, far more stylish options. As she raps, "don't care if they get covered in mac & cheese / and they're the only pants in which my big butt can squeeze."

Work it, mama.