Dad Is Served Halloween Karma After Eating Cookies From His Kids' Loot . . . That Expired in 1999

Think I've just eaten a biscuit (from a packet given to our kids while trick or treating) that went out of date 18 years ago. Not joking.

— Adrian Johnson (@adrian_johnson) October 31, 2017

A dad from the UK was just served the ultimate Halloween karma after eating (likely stolen) cookies from his kids' loot bag . . . that expired a looong time ago. Adrian Johnson tweeted a photo of the cookie packet with a circle around the expiration date, which reads "Best before: 15 MAY 99" — yes, you read that right. May 15, 19-freaking-99.

"Think I've just eaten a biscuit (from a packet given to our kids while trick or treating) that went out of date 18 years ago," the tweet reads. "Not joking."

Can't say he didn't have this coming — not only did he have his paws on his kids' holiday treats, but he obviously wasn't paying close enough attention to the extremely outdated packaging on the cookies, as this is what a sleeve of McVitie's Milk Chocolate Digestives look like now:

This dad's stomach is most definitely not partying like it's 1999.