Disneyland Lifted Its Mask Mandate For Vaccinated Guests

Disneyland has dropped its mask mandate for vaccinated park guests. Starting June 15, visitors will no longer be required to wear face coverings as the theme park continues to reduce restrictions put in place amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Disneyland will also start accepting guests from out of state on the same day, and discontinue temperature checks.

According to Disney's update released on Monday, unvaccinated visitors older than age 2 are still instructed to wear masks. Park guests won't be required to show proof of vaccination; instead, they'll self-attest that they are in compliance upon entering and say they are aware of California's strong vaccination recommendations or receive a negative COVID-19 test before visiting.

This announcement coincides with the state's plans to fully reopen its economy. Although the park is implementing many returns to pre-coronavirus policies, the reservation system will stay in place for the time being. "As we have realized the benefits of reservations in helping to manage Guest visitation and provide an even better experience, our reservation system will continue and we will gradually increase attendance as our operations allow," the park's statement reads.