Jennifer Garner Posts Selfie of "Every Single Time I Get Out of the Car" and OMG, We Relate

The other day, I drove my daughter to ballet class. On our way to the car, I had my oversize bag slung over my shoulder and my hands free to scoop her up and put her in her car seat. An hour later, we'd returned home, but somehow, the contents of that car must have exploded — or multiplied? — in such a way that I didn't have enough hands to carry everything back into the house. I had a random packet of paper in my mouth, an errant ballet slipper dangling from a finger, and a leaking water bottle wedged in my armpit.

How did this happen?!

Leave it to Jennifer Garner, the most relatable celebrity mom on the planet, to make me feel less alone.

In an Instagram post, the star shared a selfie of what it's like for her. "Every single time I get out of the car," she wrote in the caption for the photo, in which she's clutching assorted notebooks and two different-sized packets of paper (one of which appears to be from one of her kids' camps) with a blue baseball cap between her teeth. "How? Why?"

Along with some appropriate emoji, she added that the photo was not staged (as if we wouldn't believe its authenticity) and the hashtag #iknowyoufeelme.

And oh, do we.

One mom wrote, "I always feel like I'm moving. All that stuff into the car, all the stuff back out." Another added, "And my daughter is carrying ONE thing and asks if I can carry it for her." One other mom theorized, "Pretty sure my kids' stuff grows in my car."

If our collective hands weren't so full (literally, this time), we'd all be giving Jennifer a high five right now.