Today's Kids Don't Have a Clue Who Michael Myers Is, and This Hilarious "Photo Shoot" Proves It

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I'm not a fan of horror movies — I don't see the appeal in being willingly terrified, so I avoid these films at all cost. Although I've still never seen the spooky classic Halloween, I can still confirm that Michael Myers is scary as hell.

Jimmy Kimmel, however, was curious if today's youth, who (I pray) have also never seen Halloween would find the creepy character just as horrifying. For his late-night show, he staged a little photo shoot to capture children's reactions to meeting the famous villain.

He first asked parents if they'd want their kids to take a Halloween photo — in the same way they'd take a photo with Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny — with Mr. Michael Myers himself. Believe it or not, a bunch of parents sent their little ones right on in.

The results were . . . mixed. Watch if you dare!