Upgrade Every Season of Your Life With These Wellness Tips and Tricks


The top of the year is a great time to reflect and make some major changes. While doing so it's also important to shift your mentality for that change. We all go through seasons in our lives, and depending on what area of self-care you're focusing on, grounding your mind, body, and/or spirit can help you attain these goals more easily. Rather than making one potentially unattainable goal, adjust to the season and let your senses guide your journey.

Instead of forgetting about that resolution by March, try a full system refresh that's easy to maintain. Between making a few lifestyle changes and using the vitamins and supplements from Nature's Sunshine, you'll be able to keep your goals intact for longer and see results you can be proud of this time next year.


Adjust Your Sleeping Habits to Enhance Your Fitness Goals

If your "new year, new me" manifesto includes working on your fitness goals, then you may first want to examine your sleeping habits. It may seem like common knowledge, but making sure you're getting enough restful sleeping hours is important for its energetic benefits. Giving your mind and body enough time to recharge and reset for a new day will promote more alertness and optimal functioning throughout the day. Utilizing Power Beets — a superfood performance booster — will also enhance your daily activity as nitric oxide (for heart health, circulation support, and energy) can help enhance endurance and recovery time. Just mix one packet of Power Beets with water and you're good to go.

With the added energy, you'll be able to exercise more effectively rather than feeling like you're dragging your body along. To give your body additional support, try magnesium complex; it can assist with energy production and fatigue reduction. Getting in three to five workouts a week may be a great place to start for your fitness goals, but definitely go at your own pace and find a schedule that works for you while also giving your body enough recovery time. It's all about balance.


Practice Daily Meditation For Spiritual Clarity

Life comes with a diverse mix of stressors, and while many of them are out of our hands, we can control how we emotionally react to each situation. Meditating is a great practice for clearing the mind and grounding yourself into your body to avoid that spiritually disjointed feeling and to slow down racing thoughts. Sometimes all it takes is placing your feet firmly on the ground and taking a few deep breaths.

Another great way to clear the mind is journaling, allowing your subconscious thoughts to flow out of you and onto the page. To elevate your writing experience, you can rub lavender oil — known for its relaxing and calming properties — onto your temples or add a few drops into a diffuser. This simple aromatherapy practice will ease your mind and deepen your connection to the page. The great thing about aromatic oils is that you can utilize them anywhere, whenever you need a slight reminder to calm. For additional assistance with stabilizing your nervous system, try ashwagandha. Known for its cognitive performance benefits, taking a couple of these vitamins a day may result in reducing cortisol levels (for added stress relief) and supporting a healthy mind-body connection.


Take Your Vitamins to Jumpstart Your Gut Health Detox

Understanding your relationship with food can answer many of your tummy's ailments. We're not saying it'll solve any and all issues, but getting in tune with your diet can garnish many benefits, including helping with the digestive system's functionality and lowering the chance of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It's important your food intake works for you, but you also need to ensure you're getting proper nutrients and vitamins.

This can look like eating intuitively — essentially eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're full — and taking daily multivitamins or additional supplements such as Power Meal, that's packed with plant-based calories from whole foods, roots, herbs, and mushrooms. You can also utilize a probiotic vitamin, like Probiotic Eleven, which can assist in digestive regulation thanks to 11 strains of rebalancing bacteria. And if you're an avid social media user, you've probably heard of many people discovering the impressive gut benefits from drinking chlorophyll, which include intestinal, digestive and immune wellness.


Embrace Gratitude For a More Holistic Elevation

Even if you're not focused on a specific sector of your life, keeping up with your mind, body, and spirit is essential to holistic health. No matter where you are in your wellness journey, sticking to a healthy eating practice will keep you physically and energetically prepared to face any of life's many challenges. For daily foundational nutrition, Power Greens will provide you with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants you would get from two servings of vegetables, herbs, prebiotics, and natural fiber. You might also want to consider Super Omega-3 EPA for its brain and circulatory benefits.

Another daily practice could be as simple as stretching and participating in any type of weekly physical activity that your body is able to handle. Ask anyone over the age of 30 — stretching is your best friend. Even walking around the block will do wonders for your heart — literally and figuratively. And finally, nothing is more important than gratitude. Taking time to reflect on the beautiful things in your life, the people you love, and the simple things we may take for granted will gain you greater appreciation for life and all that it has to offer, in every season you choose to grow in.