Easy Grab-and-Go Kits to Keep Kids Well-Fueled in Any Situation

No matter your parenting style — loosey goosey, hyper-organized, or somewhere in between — we dare you to find a mom who hasn't found herself in a situation (or, in daily situations) where she wished she'd packed a bag of supplies to help her make it through the day. Having portable supplies at the ready comes in handy when you least expect it. When the to-do list is long, which, face it, it always is, a packed-to-carry bag can be a life-saver. Here are three grab-and-go bags that will come to the rescue for busy moms everywhere.

The Mom in the Stands

The Mom in the Stands

Sporty kids are a full-time (albeit fun) job. Between afternoon practices, game days, and tournament weekends, you need energizing snacks and backup supplies at the ready on a regular basis.

The perfect pack: CLIF Kid Zbar® Filled Bars, made with organic oats and a soft and creamy nut butter surprise on the inside make for an ideal energy boost on hard-play days; a few juicy clementines; a set of backup sports gear, because someone always forgets a knee pad; and a travel-size first-aid box, just in case the coach’s kit is out of bandages.

The Adventure-Seeking Mom

The Adventure-Seeking Mom

Days in the backyard or at the playground are fun, but every once in a while, you want to grab the kids and take them on a long hike, a scenic canoe trip, or a wild family bike ride.

For an impromptu trip, have this bag at the ready: a bottle of sunscreen with high SPF because sunburns happen, even on cloudy days; a few extra hats for shade (backup for the sunscreen); Zbar® Filled Bars, at least one of each delicious flavor — Chocolate Peanut Butter, Double Peanut Butter, Apple Almond Butter, to help fuel their hike; some whole apples to sit and munch when it’s time to take a break; and water bottles for everyone, because sharing is hard.

The Always-on-the-Go Mom

The Always-on-the-Go Mom

With so many errands, responsibilities, and social events around town, you live on the go.

Your best grab bag includes: an extra phone charger to plug in at a store or in the car — you can’t risk a low battery; Zbar® Filled Bars, the certified USDA organic bars made with wholesome and nutritious ingredients; a small pack of crayons with a mini notebook (instant art entertainment while kids wait during errand time); and a pack of wipes — no explanation needed.

More From CLIF Kid®

More From CLIF Kid®

Snacking made fun – an organic, soft-baked snack bar with smooth, creamy nut butter filling to surprise and delight kids. It’s the first of its kind! Learn more at CLIF Kid®.