The 9 Parenting Podcasts That Are Worth a Listen Even If You Have No Time

You've probably heard your friends or just some random moms at the playground talking about their favorite podcasts and thought to yourself, When do they have possibly have the time to listen to those?! We hear ya, but try out one of the following nine parenting-focused podcasts — some humorous, some informative, all extremely relatable — and believe us, you'll make the time for these (on your way to drop-off and pick-up, while driving your baby around in an attempt to get her to sleep, during an extended vacuuming session . . .).

From some funny gals' humorous takes on the realities of dealing with babies and toddlers to some deep talk about how to deal with the challenges of raising happy and successful humans, these podcasts might just become your new best mom friends.

The Longest Shortest Time

The Longest Shortest Time

Host Hillary Frank takes on some of the most interesting, arresting stories about parenting and motherhood out there with The Longest Shortest Time. The series "The Accidental Gay Parents" is a must listen (try not to cry, we dare you), and the show is currently tackling a series about the challenges facing working mothers. Hillary has been a contributor to This American Life, and the show's narrative format is similar to that of the podcast giant. If you're interested in offbeat and thought-provoking stories about topics like postbaby sex and how to deal with racism and occasional weigh-ins from celeb guests like Katie Couric and Casey Wilson (host of another one of our favorite podcasts), this is the show for you.

Cool Mom Picks


Hosted by Kristen Chase and Liz Gumbinner, the founders of Cool Mom Picks and moms of six kids ranging from 5 to 11 years old, Spawned features real talk about modern parenting issues, current events, and the occasional expert and celebrity guest. Fast-moving and friendly, the hosts tackle the challenges of parenting (how to make friends after having kids, how to get your kids to do their homework, and how to play with kids without losing your mind) with humor and no judgment.

One Bad Mother

One Bad Mother

As "a comedy podcast about motherhood and how unnatural it sometimes is," One Bad Mother will reassure you that no, you aren't the worst mother in the world. Hosts Biz Ellis and Theresa Thorn talk about relevant, important topics about parenting and kids with humor and a lot of swearing. Only nonjudgmental moms need apply the headphones.

Little Sprigs
Little Sprigs

Little Sprigs

Little Sprigs calls itself "the path to peace with your preschooler," and while host Christina Perez can get a little New Age-y, she also has some seriously good insights into parenting in a more mindful way. Interviews with early childhood experts reinforce parenting without punishments, bribes, or threats for a more connected and peaceful relationship with your children. And who couldn't use a little more chill when it comes to dealing with all those toddler tantrums?

Mom and Dad Are Fighting

Mom and Dad Are Fighting

Hosted by a cast of Slate editors, Mom and Dad Are Fighting takes on all aspects of modern parenting (how to deal with your kids not getting along with your friends' kids, carpool politics, and children's negotiating skills) of kids ages toddler through teen with interviews with experts and engaging, humorous banter. Each episode focuses on a tricky family situation, and hosts aren't afraid to discuss their own parenting successes and failures.

The Mom Hour

The Mom Hour

Pretty much like grabbing a glass of wine with your best mom friend, The Mom Hour is hosted by moms Sarah Powers and Meagan Francis, who have eight kids between them (from preschoolers to teenagers), so they've been through it all. While the podcast is undeniably fun and full of laughter and relatable moments, it's also chock-full of practical advice you'll be glad to incorporate into your own parenting life.

For Crying Out Loud
For Crying Out Loud

For Crying Out Loud

For Crying Out Loud is hosted by TV executive Lynette Carolla (wife of comedian Adam Carolla) and comedy writer and parenting author Stefanie Wilder-Taylor, both mothers of twins. The duo are hilarious as they discuss topics ranging from the pros and cons of Ferber-izing to which one of the Real Housewives has had too much filler. Entertaining and refreshingly honest, this podcast is for moms who want to keep it real . . . and laugh while doing so.



Unruffled (Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury) comes from parenting expert and author Janet Lansbury, and listening to her thoughtful advice is like receiving a reassuring phone call from your own mom. Her approach focuses on parents finding respect for the child and acceptance of a child's emotions and development, while setting firm limits for unwanted and unacceptable behaviors. If practical, easy-to-use advice is what you need, this is the podcast you need to subscribe to immediately.

The Boob Group

The Boob Group

About, you guessed it, breastfeeding, The Boob Group provides an honest and judgment-free approach to breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing, and more. Hosted by a lactation consultant, the podcast includes expert interviews and talk from a panel of moms who discuss their nursing struggles and successes and offer practical advice for both breastfeeding and pumping. Sitting for hours with a baby attached to your chest? This is the podcast you need to get you through.