This Video of Kids and Parents Dancing to "It Takes Two" Makes Me Want to Rock Right Now

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Are you ready to rock right now? These kids and their parents dancing to Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock's "It Takes Two" is so good that it has me trying to learn the choreography at my desk. The video features families who take part in choreographer Phil Wright's Parent Jam dance classes, including Rollettes founder Chelsie Hill, who has never let her wheelchair get in the way of her passion for dance. The best part? The parents look like they're having just as much fun as their kids, so I'm totally going to try to convince my mom and dad to take a dance class with me now.

While they've all clearly mastered the "rocking" and shaking part of the choreography, a few parents and kids throw in some seriously impressive moves — including one little girl who tries to breakdance! If you ask me, they all deserve to be internationally known. See the full choreography routine here, and be warned: this song is still just as catchy 30 years later.