9 Ways Having Kids Is Like Living in a College Dorm

Ah, college. What a time to be alive. Maybe in your younger days living in a college dorm with loud and messy students didn't seem like such a big deal, but now that you've had kids, you may be realizing that there are quite a few similarities between raising children and living in a college building (that you totally didn't sign up for). But this time around, those "neighbors" don't go home for the holidays and aren't sticking around for just four years.

Read through for nine ways having kids is like living back in your college dorm.

You find yourself cleaning up messes you had absolutely no part in making.

You find yourself cleaning up messes you had absolutely no part in making.

"I just cleaned that!" flies out of your mouth all too often.

All anyone ever wants to eat is boxed macaroni and cheese.

All anyone ever wants to eat is boxed macaroni and cheese.

Even when there's an entire dining hall (ahem, kitchen) full of fresh food.

There are old cups of unidentifiable liquids all over the place.

There are old cups of unidentifiable liquids all over the place.

Does everyone take two sips and then leave it?! Come on!

When your roommate's friends come over they eat all your food and trash the room.

When your roommate's friends come over they eat all your food and trash the room.

There should be stricter visitor hours in both cases.

Someone always has the appearance of being drunk.
Relativity Media

Someone always has the appearance of being drunk.

Whether they're actually drunk or teetering around suspiciously like a drunk person, it's all the same.

Nobody knows how to use an inside voice.

Nobody knows how to use an inside voice.

Morning, night, middle of the day — doesn't matter.

You can’t help them get their act together to be on time for school.
Gracie Films

You can’t help them get their act together to be on time for school.

You can try, but your efforts will prove futile.

They party all night long and wake you up.
YouTube | Story of This Life

They party all night long and wake you up.

Even through closed doors you can hear the shouts and giggles.