3 Natural Ways to Clean Your Bathroom

POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd
POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd

Leave the harsh and heavy chemicals at the store. You do not need them to clean your bathroom. Instead, we are going to show you how to use everyday, nontoxic household items that will clean just as good and won't mess up the environment. These cleaning hacks will save you loads of money as well.

Showerhead Cleaner

Showerhead Cleaner


  • Plastic bag
  • Vinegar
  • Rubber band
  • Scrub brush or old toothbrush

The showerhead may not be something you think about cleaning very often. Over time, mineral deposits build up on the showerhead. Surprisingly, it may also have biofilm (or yucky slime, to be really technical) on it and blast bacteria on you every time you take a shower.

Pour vinegar in a plastic bag. Secure it to the showerhead with a rubber band. Let it sit overnight. The next morning, take the bag off and scrub the showerhead with a scrub brush.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Toilet Bowl Cleaner


  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Toilet brush

Pour your baking soda (a gentle abrasive cleaner) into the toilet bowl. Scrub with a toilet brush. Then flush. Pour vinegar (a great disinfectant and deodorizer) into the toilet and repeat the scrubbing process.

It may be fun to mix the two ingredients together. (Remember your middle school volcano science project?) However, the chemical reaction just results in diluted salt water and the benefits basically disappear.

Mirror and Glass Cleaner

Mirror and Glass Cleaner


  • Black tea
  • Spray bottle
  • Paper towels

Steep two to three bags of black tea in a cup of hot water. Let cool for about an hour. Then pour the tea in a spray bottle.

Spritz your mirror (or glass shower door) with the tea. Wipe it down with paper towels or a rag.

The tannins (compounds in tea that are full of astringent properties) of black tea will act as a cleaning agent.