35 Honest and Funny Reasons Being Married Is the Freakin' Best

Unsplash/ Biruk Masresha

There are plenty of reasons marriage gets a bad rap. It's easy to slip into bad habits and take your partner for granted, especially if you've been together a long time. But for so many people, marriage is actually the freaking best. You married your best friend — how cool is that? Whether it's acknowledging the little things or doing grand gestures, having a partner for life gives you millions of opportunities to laugh and be silly together, even through the hard times. Keep reading for 35 funny reasons being married is the best.


You Have Someone to Annoy Forever

Being married is about so much more than a ceremony and vows — it's also about finding ways to annoy your person forever . . . and they still love you.


Your Spouse Is Your "Get Out of Events" Card

Don't want to go to that boring event that your coworker keeps inviting you to despite your clear avoidance of the issue for weeks? Cough — "I think my husband is sick" — cough.


There's a Warm Leg to Put Your Cold Feet on at Night

If you're like me and have White Walkers for feet, you're going to need a toasty leg to keep them warm at night.


They Probably Know Where You Left the Thing You Swore You Wouldn't Lose

Keys, wallet, and other mysterious items that always seems to fall into a hole in the universe can usually be found by your spouse, who just knows where everything is.


You Have Someone to Scratch That F*cking-Impossible-to-Reach Spot on Your Back

You know what's better than a back-scratcher? A back-scratcher with fingernails.


There's Someone to Exchange Jim Halpert-Level Knowing Looks With

Part of what made The Office so endearing was the knowing looks that Jim and Pam would secretly exchange with each other and the camera. You two just get it and can have so much fun in sharing in the absurdities of all of life's weird moments.


Blaming Farts on Each Other Is Much More Successful Than Blaming the Dog

Listen — everyone farts. Everyone also needs someone to blame them on, and a spouse is the perfect culprit.


Who Else Is Going to Hand You a Roll of Toilet Paper?

When you're stranded in the bathroom with your pants around your ankles, just know that handing you a new roll of toilet paper is basically what spouses were invented for.


You'll Learn the Right Way to Squeeze Toothpaste

Did you know that there's a right and a wrong way to squeeze toothpaste onto the brush? Well, your spouse probably does, and they'll be sure to tell you.


Your "Swiping" Finger Gets Some Rest

Ah, dating. That necessary evil to get to being married. But let's be real — no one is missing random get-togethers with people who only talk about themselves on a first date.


Letting Your Legs Look Like a Sasquatch

Should you still shave when married? I mean, probably. Are you going to? No, no you're not.


You Have Someone to Throw Dirty Diapers At

Of course, I would never tell someone to throw a dirty diaper at someone, but occasionally you may need to "toss" someone a diaper, and that someone has signed paperwork saying they'll never leave you.


Having Someone to Freak Out With About Your Shared TV Shows

Watching a shared show means that you have someone to bore with your theories all week long.


Not Having to Wonder Where Your Next Orgasm Is Coming From

Marriage in part is the understanding that you have a sexual partner for life, meaning you don't have to troll the bars anymore. Score (literally)!


You Have Someone Who Can Do the Things You Suck At

Chances are your partner is better at some of the things you're not very good at, like cooking or assembling the TV.


You Can Pawn Unwanted Chores on Them

You know what I don't want to do? Garden. Thankfully, my husband has picked up this chore, since there wasn't any way I was going to be picking up a spade anytime soon.


There's an Extra Phone Charger, Since You've Probably Lost Yours

Since chargers have this terrible habit of going AWOL, being married gives you a whole other cord to use.


They Remember Your Favorite Take-Out Order

Thanks to your spouse's amazing memory, they'll remember that dish you like but can never actually think of.


You Have Someone Who Thinks Your Jokes Are Funny

A sense of humor is integral to a happy marriage, and thankfully, your partner thinks your jokes are just the right amount of cheesy.


They Help Turn a Quick Trip to the Store Into an Event

Even though you have a meticulous shopping list, every time they go with you, you find a hundred things you "forgot" to add. Now you've been at the store for hours and you basically live there.


You Have a Life-Long Armpit Checker

No one wants to leave the house stinky, and that sweet and supportive spouse of yours is willing to do a sniff check to make sure you're as fresh as a daisy.


Someone's Gotta Watch the Kids So You Can Get a Bath In

While it would be great to leave the kids to their own devices, someone should probably watch them if you're gonna bust out that new bath bomb you've been dying to use.


They'll Make You the Perfect Hangover Meal

Instead of bemoaning into your hands about how you'll never drink again, complain about your hangover with a nice and greasy meal made with love from your spouse.


Someone Else Gets to Make the Bed

Making the bed can take up a valuable 30 seconds of your morning, and having a spouse means you get to allocate that task.


You Can Sleep In Knowing Your Spouse Is Watching the Kids

While you may never sleep again like you did prebaby, being married at least gives you the opportunity for the occasional shut-eye.


Who Else Are You Going to Have Inside Jokes With?

Do you know why the word "mangoes" is so funny? Neither do I, but that couple over there has been laughing hysterically for 10 minutes at the mere mention of the tropical fruit.


Double the Hair Products!

Even though you've worked through every last drop of your hair gel, that wonderful spouse of yours still has a full stash.


Kill ALL the Bugs

Every marriage is made up of two people — one who kills the bugs, and one who screams.


You Don't Have to Worry About Leftovers

Since most recipes are made for four people, having a spouse definitely helps even that out.


You'll Never Have to Sit Alone at a Table

Some people like to eat alone, but if you're like me, you think that half the point of a good meal is sharing it with someone.


People No Longer Bug You About Your Relationship Status

"See, Aunt Janet? I found someone who loves me! Now stop asking about my personal life."


Spouses Can Help Save You From Yourself

If it wasn't for your spouse, chances are you would have gotten that too-big-for-you motorcycle or actually tried to run with the bulls. They keep you alive. You're welcome.


Because Everyone Needs Someone to Pose With in Photos

Taking pictures can be pretty awkward, but when you're standing with your best friend, they're not as terrible anymore. And if you're into Instagram, you have a built-in photographer.


You Have Someone Who Won't Lie About Your Gray Hair

It's hard to look at yourself in the mirror and say for certain whether or not you're actually (ugh) getting older. Thanks to that spouse of yours, you'll know if there's a new gray hair or wrinkle.


Because the Word "Forever" Doesn't Need to Sound Threatening

With a happy marriage, there's comfort in the word "forever." Together, you have a partner for the rest of your life, which should sounds less like a threat and more like encouragement.

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