17 Hilarious, Heartwarming, and Downright Savage Ways Siblings Interact

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The sibling relationship is one of the closest and often most complicated relationships around. You're bonded for life, which means you can torture, hurt, support, and love each other in equal parts, without any fear of losing each other. Younger siblings are often bossed around by their older brothers and sisters (what big sister didn't make their little brother wear their dresses whether they wanted to or not?!), and older siblings feel very protective of their little ones from the day they're born. There are a million reasons why siblings should cherish one another, but everyone knows the relationship isn't filled with support and affection alone. Keep reading for 17 ways siblings interact — some funny, some heartwarming, and some downright savage.


Hero Worshiping

Usually reserved for older siblings, hero worship is a common, though often fleeting, feeling among younger brothers and sisters who can't believe how cool, tough, brave, smart, and funny their big bros and sisters can be.



Siblings will never concede a fight, and they play dirty. Competition is inherent in the nature of the relationship, and winning one battle is never enough. This is a war!


Willful Avoiding

Sometimes you've just had enough of your brother and sister, and there's no shame in your avoidance game. You don't want to hurt their feelings . . . oh wait, you don't care about that at all.



There's nothing more annoying than repeating every single thing your brother or sister says, and that's why it's one of the oldest tricks in the sibling-torture handbook.


Constant Battling

There's usually a low-grade annoyance level that's simmering under the surface when you're around your siblings, and a single touch is likely to set you off.



It's not about who did what when it comes to sibling conflict. It's about who gets to mom to tell the story first.


Supporting Each Other

You might want to kill your sibling at any given moment, but if anyone or anything messes with them, you'll suddenly turn into their biggest defender and supporter. Don't mess with my sister, mister!


Engaging in "That's Mine" Fights

What's yours, well, is yours, and your sibling better not touch it, a fact that, of course, makes them want to touch everything you own all the time, as much as possible. Tug of wars are sure to ensue.


Employing Subtle Subterfuge

If you have intel on your sibling, you better believe you're going to use it wisely . . . and lord it over their heads to make sure they know who's got the goods on them. Blackmail much?


Going Between Love and Hate

You love your sibling and want to express that love, but that doesn't mean they're feeling the same about you. Check back tomorrow, when the roles will very likely be reversed.


Outright Bullying

You would never try to cause another person physical harm, unless it's your sibling, than the gloves come off, the torment begins, and all bets are off.


Playing the Baby Card

Youngest siblings know they have a secret weapon in their back pockets: the baby card. They know mom and dad will always see them as a mere babe, and no matter how old they get, expect their siblings to treat them as such, even when they're the ones acting as their big sibling's tormentor.


Realizing You're Best Friends

For lucky siblings, there's that moment of realization that, no matter how much battling, competing, and teasing you've participated in over the years, you're still best friends and will be for the rest of your lives.



There's no one better to hatch a plan with than your siblings. You have the same goals (get into the candy drawer, catch some extra screen time, convince mom and dad to buy a puppy), and you know you're stronger working together than apart.


Bossing Around

One of the best parts of being an older sibling? Getting to boss around your little brothers and sisters, who you'll train early on to listen to and obey your every whim. Is it fair? Absolutely not, but as the oldest, you think of it as your birthright.



It's childish, annoying, and so. much. fun. Teasing your siblings is the absolute best because, no matter how much you do it, they're still stuck with you for life.


Finding Peace in Your Relationship

No matter how much you've battled throughout the years, no matter how different your personalities are, and no matter how far apart from one another life has taken you, you eventually realize how lucky you are to have your siblings and how much common ground — and love for each other — you really have.

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