33 Outdoor Activities That'll Make Your Toddler's Summer Look Like the Ones of Your Childhood

When I look back on my own childhood, most of the memories I have from the summertime take place outside — riding bikes with friends, jumping into my grandparents' pool, creating masterpieces with sidewalk chalk on the driveway, washing my dad's car. If you're looking for ways to get your toddler (and even older kids) to put down the screens to have a Summer experience that looks like those of your own childhood, it's high time to get them outside and making memories in the sunshine.

Scroll through for a mix of outdoor activities — most free, but some paid — that your toddler will love and remember for years to come.


Send Them on a Photo Scavenger Hunt

Give them a list of things to photograph outside, like flowers, rocks, and clouds.


Make S'mores

There's nothing more classic than making s'mores over an open fire in the Summer.


Visit Every Local Playground

Make it a mini bucket list of sorts — hit every local playground, then decide which is the fan favorite to keep returning to!


Teach Them How to Ride a Bike

Whether a balance bike, a bike with training wheels, or the real two-wheel deal, Summer is the perfect time to teach your kids how to ride a bike.


Create Sidewalk Chalk Masterpieces

A little bit of sidewalk chalk goes a long way — play tic-tac-toe, teach them how to write sight words, or encourage them to create a masterpiece.


Eat Meals Outside

Afternoon tea, lunch, breakfast, dinner — you name a meal, it can be eaten outside.


Have an Outdoor Photo Shoot

Dress up your toddler in their favorite outfit and find fun places to take their photo around town — they'll make for great holiday card photos!


Read a Book in the Fresh Air

Even if they don't have assigned Summer reading, suggest they curl up in a lawn chair or sprawl out on a picnic blanket to listen to you read them a new book in the fresh air.


Look For Shapes in the Clouds

Set out a blanket on the lawn and look for fun shapes in the clouds together.


Splash in the Puddles After a Rainy Day

Following a Summer storm, pull on their rain boots and some clothes you don't mind them getting muddy, and let them splash around in the puddles.


Teach Them How to Swim

Not only is learning how to swim an important skill, but it's also a fun thing to learn! Take your toddler to the pool this Summer to teach them some tips (or sign them up for classes at your local pool, which may not be outdoors but is still a good thing to invest in!).


Eat Homemade Popsicles

Let the kids help you in the kitchen with homemade popsicles, then enjoy them outside once they're frozen.


Create an Outdoor Play Area With Toys

Lay out a blanket and bring out a bunch of toys they can play with in the fresh air, rather than on the playroom floor.


Go on a Flower Walk

Search for all of the colors of the rainbow, try to find as many different types of flowers as you can, or simply stop to smell as many as you can.


Teach Them How to Help in the Garden

Whether you show them how to water the plants or teach them which produce is ready to be picked, your toddler will love hanging out in the garden with you.


Set Up a Slip and Slide

There's nothing more fun than sliding across a tarp or slip and slide on your belly — just make sure to set it up on a smooth patch of grass without rocks underneath!


Collect Rocks and Seashells at the Beach

Fill up containers with rocks and seashells that your toddler can then sort by shape, size, or color or paint later.


Host a Driveway Car Wash

Invite all of their friends to help out and your mom friends to bring their cars to be washed — it's a win-win.


Play Tennis

Teach your toddler coordination with a game of tennis.


Visit a Water Park or Splash Park

Whether it's a free splash park, a water playground by the beach, or a park you visit for the day, playing in the water is the easiest way to keep a toddler cool and busy in the Summer.


Play Catch or Dodgeball

If it's just you and your tot, play a game of catch and see how many times you can go back and forth before it drops to the floor once — or if the neighborhood kids are around, teach them how to play dodgeball (with soft balls, of course!).


Go For a Swim at Sunset

It makes for cool photos and means the space won't be as crowded with other swimmers!


Watch Local Fireworks Shows

Find out where the free local fireworks shows are ahead of the Fourth (and beyond!), and bring lawn chairs to cuddle up in.



Fingerpainting is super fun but is kind of a mess indoors. Bring it outside so your toddler can get as . . . creative as they want.


Make Wishes on Dandelions

Although it's so simple, what adult doesn't remember seeing how far they could blow the pieces of a dandelion after making a wish?


Get Ice Cream From the Truck in Your Neighborhood

The ice cream truck jingle is the sound childhood memories are made of.


Go to a Local Carnival or Fair

So many carnivals and fairs roll into town in the Summer months, and your toddler is finally big enough for some of the smaller rides — so why not make it a family day out?


Build Sandcastles

At the beach or in a sandbox, challenge your toddler to build the sandcastle of their dreams — it'll keep them busy for hours (OK, OK, minutes . . . )!


Blow and Pop Bubbles

Anytime, anywhere.


Run Through the Sprinklers

Whether it's an old-school sprinkler or a giant unicorn lawn sprinkler!


Go on a Nature Walk

There's so much unique nature to be seen in the summertime. Walk through new places with your toddler and observe all of the nature around you.


Run Through a Local Park

There are probably parks nearby that are new to you and your family — check them all out with your toddler and let them run around before a picnic lunch.


Set Up a Color Scavenger Hunt

Or a scavenger hunt asking them to find a certain number of items, items of the different shapes, or things beginning with each letter of the alphabet.

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