7 Ways to Raise a Compassionate Child

This article was originally featured by What to Expect, a pregnancy and parenting brand helping every parent know what to expect, every step of the way.

When your tot's a toddler, it's easy to fear that she may turn out to be a tyrant. Hitting, biting, screaming, grabbing toys away from pals: It's all typical toddler behavior. And it's developmentally appropriate too. But that doesn't mean you have to wait until your child's outgrown this stage to start teaching her about empathy and compassion. If you want to raise a compassionate child, now's the time to lay the foundation.

Empathy is what allows us to understand others' feelings and be sensitive to them. Compassion goes one step further — not just understanding those emotions but acting on them: How can I help? Pretty big stuff for little kids, and yet they can and do start to learn these skills before they can even tie their shoes. Here are seven ways you can help your child grow into a caring, kindhearted person.

Play Pretend
Unsplash | Jennifer Chen

Play Pretend

It's a favorite of toddlers and preschoolers, and it's one way kids learn empathy and compassion. After all, make-believe is all about taking on a role — and in doing so, your child has to imagine how that person (or animal or magical creature) acts, thinks, feels, and responds to others.

Role Model
Unsplash | Caroline Hernandez

Role Model

Show your child what caring behavior looks like. Be kind and pleasant to everyone, from the store clerk to your partner. When you're driving, swallow that road rage with a couple of deep breaths and give fellow drivers the benefit of the doubt.

Talk About It
Unsplash | Anna Kolosyuk

Talk About It

Teach "feeling words" and concepts by talking with your child about her own emotions and those of others: "How do you think Lila felt when she fell down? Did she cry?" or "What were you feeling when that boy took your truck? Why do you think he did that?"

Help Others
Unsplash | Florencia Viadana

Help Others

Bring your child along when you donate old books or clothes, and explain what you're doing it. Let her help when you shovel a neighbor's snowy sidewalk, make soup for a friend who's sick, or drop off a present for a toy drive during holiday time.

Say Thank You
Unsplash | Jordan Sanchez

Say Thank You

When your child shares nicely with you or a sibling, or she responds sweetly to a request for help, praise and thank her (then watch her puff up with pride).

Care For a Pet
Unsplash | Daiga Ellaby

Care For a Pet

our-legged family members need attention, food, shelter, and love, but they can't ask for it with words — so learning how to understand them is a way for kids to practice caring and compassion. Even young toddlers can learn to stroke Fluffy gently or toss Fido a treat. As your child grows, she can take on more responsibility for your pet's care, such as filling food and water dishes.

Recognize Compassion
Unsplash | Frank McKenna

Recognize Compassion

When you notice your child acting with compassion toward someone else (finding his baby brother's binky or asking if a sick friend is feeling better), say so. It's nice to be noticed. Point out examples in storybooks and TV shows too.

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