These Photos of a Grandpa Delivering His Grandson Are Truly Spectacular

Instagram | Lindsey Meehleis

Steph Hendel and her husband, Josh Tarnofsky, were counting down the days to welcoming their first child, Jonathon, into the world for months. And after agreeing to have a home birth, Steph and Josh went ahead and hired midwife Lindsey Meehleis to assist in the childbirth process — and it's a good thing they did. While helping Steph through her contractions, Lindsey was able to snap a few photos to document Steph's experience, and a sweet picture of Steph pushing with her father, Joe, right by her side has caught thousands of people's attention on Instagram.

"We have always had the vision of our families uniting and living happily and healthy together in California in close proximity," Stephanie told POPSUGAR. "Our parents have always gotten along well, and our moms are actually BFFs, but this birth was the first time we really got to test our families being around each other for more than a week."

Although soon-to-be moms don't traditionally have their fathers with them during delivery, Steph said she couldn't picture bringing Jonathon into the world without her father close by.

"I am an only child, and my dad is someone who I look up to immensely," explained Stephanie. "In my early years, we didn't have the strongest relationship, but as I've grown, we've discovered new ways of communicating and becoming best friends."

Steph was over the moon to have the extra support from her extended family. In the days leading up to her delivery, she imagined she'd rely more on her mother and mother-in-law during the process than her dad. "I prepped my mom and mother-in-law to be my doulas," said Steph, adding that she "equipped them with mantras to repeat to me as I went through contractions."

While Joe agreed to be present for the birth, he knew that seeing his child suffer was one of the toughest things he'd ever have to witness. "In the beginning, when we started talking about birth plans, he was a little nervous because he said he couldn't stand to see me in pain," said Steph.

But once Steph started having contractions, time started flying by and her original plan went right out the window.

"Everything happened so fast, and the contractions intensified very late at night," she said. "We were all tired and uncertain of what the next steps were. The next thing I know, my father was next to me, repeating the mantras I had given to my mothers. I felt like a little girl again with my dad comforting me and reminding me everything was going to be OK and that I could do it. I knew everything was going to be all right with him there. It felt like such an obvious role for him to be in at the moment."

"Josh joked that my dad — 'Doula Dad' — was doing a great job," said Steph. "Everything flowed from there. This photo brings me to tears every time I see it. The birth united our families more than we could have ever dreamed of, and we're so excited to empower so many other people to bring their families into the birth process."

Now, this sweet family of three is recovering at home with a new bundle of joy to look after. We're sure they'll let Grandpa Joe babysit once in a while — after all, he was there for everything, right?

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