16 Ways to Spend That Precious and Essential Kid-Free Time

Motherhood is hard. The emotional and physical toll being needed 24/7 takes on you can cause some serious burnout. I love spending time with my kids, but moms need kid-free time just as much as kids need independent playtime. But when you do manage to carve out some time to yourself, it's essential to not think about that endless to-do list, and instead focus on your needs. Whether it's a night out with friends, checking yourself into a hotel for the night, or just taking a quiet bath — do whatever it is that helps you feel human again. And if you're a little stuck for ideas, keep reading for 16 things you can do to recharge.

Take a Bath
Unsplash | Mutzii

Take a Bath

There's nothing like a good soak in a hot bath to help you let go of the stress from the day. Put on some good music, light a candle, and forget about your troubles. I'll often take a bath before anyone wakes up in the morning, just to be sure I don't get interrupted.

Going Out With Friends
Unsplash | Matias Difabio

Going Out With Friends

Planning a fun night out with the girls is a great way to recharge. Whether it's for dinner or drinks, catching the latest movie, or just meeting at the mall to shop, you can't go wrong when you're with your friends!

Take a Girls' Trip
Unsplash | Omar Lopez

Take a Girls' Trip

The next time you need an ultimate recharge, plan a weekend trip with some friends. Putting some physical distance between you and your responsibilities is one great way to relax. Go on a retreat, a cruise, or just book a hotel in an interesting town.

Check Into a Hotel Solo
Unsplash | Eunice Stahl

Check Into a Hotel Solo

If you need some serious rest and quiet time, book yourself a one night stay at a local hotel. You'd be surprised at how much better you feel the next morning.

Solo Weekend Getaway
Unsplash | Melissa Askew

Solo Weekend Getaway

Planning a solo weekend getaway is a great way to unwind. Planning the trip to your liking with no one else's opinions can be a beautiful thing.

Go On a Nature Walk
Unsplash | Candace Picard

Go On a Nature Walk

My favorite way to recharge is to go on a nature walk or hike. There's something about being outdoors in nature that makes me feel human again. With no kids to catch up with or slow down for, you can walk however fast you like and take in the scenery in peace.

Shopping Alone
Unsplash | Rawpixel

Shopping Alone

Heading out to your favorite store alone can feel like a weekend getaway in itself. I love spending hours browsing with no one asking me to buy something for them, or to put something on their never ending Christmas list.

Brunch With Friends
Unsplash | Heather Schwartz

Brunch With Friends

Making a monthly brunch date with your friends can be something you can look forward to. Good food, good friends, and chatting about life is a great way to spend a morning.

Moms' Night In
Unsplash | Kelsey Chance

Moms' Night In

Have a potluck dinner at a friends house, or host one yourself. Just make sure you do it late in the evening after the kids are in bed, or arrange for a sitter.

Spa Day
Unsplash | Toa Heftiba

Spa Day

Treating yourself to a massage can be pricey, but sometimes that level of relaxation is needed. Unwinding your body and mind is necessary.

Unsplash | Le Minh Phuong


Meditation can be a great way to quiet your thoughts and be more mindful. Meditating helps me tremendously on days where I only have a few minutes to myself. If I zen out for a few minutes, I'm ready to tackle the next task with a smile.

Do Something You Love
Unsplash | Steve Johnson

Do Something You Love

Is there an old hobby you used to love but haven't made it a priority in recent years? We all put our passions on the back burner, but it's time to invest in yourself again!

Swap Babysitting With a Friend
Unsplash | Daiga Ellaby

Swap Babysitting With a Friend

Set up a regular babysitting swap with one of your friends. You watch her kids for a few hours and then she can watch yours. Free childcare and a few free hours to do whatever you want to — it's a win win.

Date Night
Unsplash | Hannah Busing

Date Night

Find a sitter so you can spend some uninterrupted adult time with your partner. It's easier to reconnect when you're out of the house and not worried about what has to be done before the next day.

Meet at a Coffee Shop
Unsplash | Chrstiana Rivers

Meet at a Coffee Shop

Meet up with a friend at a local coffee shop. I know one of my favorites hosts trivia nights, live bands, and various other fun events. Whether you're just meeting to get a caffeine fix or going to enjoy the atmosphere, a coffee shop is a great place to catch up.

Call a Friend
Unsplash | Rawpixel

Call a Friend

Sometimes just planning a phone call with a good friend or family member that you haven't spoken to recently can feel like a treat. Schedule a time to talk, if needed. Make sure it's at a time where you won't be interrupted to tie shoes or get a snack.