The 5 Best (and 5 Worst) Things About Having a Honeymoon Baby

Four weeks and one day after my husband and I exchanged vows on a magical day punctuated by supportive family and friends and me at my ultimate goal weight, we found out we were expecting our first child. Our honeymoon, and its two weeks of glorious relaxation, indulgence, and fun, had produced more than magical memories (and an extra 10 pounds). We were having a baby. I was both shocked — I was 31 and had spent a lot of years trying not to get pregnant — and terrified, overwhelmed, and thrilled. I knew nothing would ever be quite the same. My job, our fourth-floor walk-up apartment in a big city, and my standing Thursday sushi and wine nights with my girlfriends were suddenly not nearly as permanent as they had felt just a few weeks before. One thing, however, was certain: the honeymoon was officially over.

My honeymoon baby is now in second grade (eek!), and after years of being in parenting survival mode, I finally have some perspective on what getting pregnant so quickly after marriage really meant for me and my relationship. There are both extremely positive and some superchallenging aspects of seeing that positive sign before you've even had a chance to get your wedding dress dry-cleaned. If you're expecting a honeymoon baby — or thinking of trying for one — here's what you need to know about the ups and downs of the experience.

Pro: You Don't Have to Worry About Whether or Not You Can Get Pregnant

Pro: You Don't Have to Worry About Whether or Not You Can Get Pregnant

Maybe you watched a friend struggle to conceive or heard about your own mother's fertility issues and worried that you'd experience a similarly hard time getting pregnant. Instead, you've moved straight on to a new set of problems: the realities of pregnancy.

Pro: You'll Cement Your Relationship Immediately

Pro: You'll Cement Your Relationship Immediately

You know what's more serious than being declared husband and wife? Deciding to become parents. If you're both equally excited about the pregnancy (or even if you're not), you're now tied together for life by something even more serious than a marriage license — a human being you created together!

Pro: You'll Always Have a Great Story

Pro: You'll Always Have a Great Story

Honeymoon babies make for great stories. I mean, it's kind of funny that your honeymoon was so great that you came home with the ultimate souvenir, right? Just beware of retelling after your child is old enough to get what their origin story really means (i.e. mom and dad spent a lot of their honeymoon with no clothes on).

Pro: Bye-Bye Birth Control
New Line Cinema

Pro: Bye-Bye Birth Control

Maybe you decided to roll the dice on your honeymoon because you're both ready for a child or are concerned that conceiving one is going to be a long process. The upside: all those years of worrying about birth control are finally over, so enjoy!

Pro: You'll Never Get the "When Are You Having Kids?" Guilt Trip

Pro: You'll Never Get the "When Are You Having Kids?" Guilt Trip

While all of your friends who have been married for longer than six minutes are being asked when they'll have kids by every friend and family member they encounter, you've got the golden ticket out of that line of questioning. (Hint: the answer is in nine months or less!)

Con: You Won't Have Time to Work Out the Kinks

Con: You Won't Have Time to Work Out the Kinks

You're just coming down from the high that was your engagement, wedding, and honeymoon, and bam, you're dealing with the nausea, bloating, and exhaustion that's so often involved in creating new life. All that gestating makes it hard to focus on working out the kinks of married life, and in fact, can create a lot of new problems you never anticipated.

Con: You'll Have a Lot of Stressful Decisions to Make Right Away

Con: You'll Have a Lot of Stressful Decisions to Make Right Away

When I got pregnant with my honeymoon baby, I lived in a fourth-floor apartment, without an elevator or first-floor storage space for a stroller and with a dog who still expected to be walked multiple times a day. Even in my clueless, kid-less state, I knew that probably wasn't going to work long-term. So not only were my new husband and I preparing to be parents, we were also looking for a new home and considering moving to a new town to find one. Double the stress.

Con: Say Goodbye to the Honeymoon Stage
New Line Cinema

Con: Say Goodbye to the Honeymoon Stage

You know what's sexy? Being newlyweds. You know what's not sexy? Being a newlywed who feels like she's going to throw up at all times, yet somehow has still gained 20 pounds in less than two months (I blame my super low-cal bridal diet, quickly followed by the "only French fries, cheeseburgers, and milkshakes won't make me puke" pregnancy diet). While you're just trying to find a position that feels comfortable, your spouse is wondering where that fun, affectionate woman from your honeymoon went.

Con: Your Friends Might Not Be in the Baby Stage Yet

Con: Your Friends Might Not Be in the Baby Stage Yet

In my experience, weddings come in waves within friendship groups. If you were at the beginning of that wave, you're probably going to have to attend lots of what should be superfun engagement parties, showers, and weddings with a belly bump, completely sober, and praying that at least one of your friends comes home with a honeymoon baby, too, so you'll have someone to commiserate with.

Con: Your Life Will Change Drastically in Rapid Fashion

Con: Your Life Will Change Drastically in Rapid Fashion

For many women, being a bride is as close to experiencing celebrity as they'll ever experience. You're the center of attention, encouraged to enlist the help of a glam squad and buy a superexpensive dress, and people literally follow you around to make sure you're well taken care of and happy. Once you're pregnant, you're no longer the star of the show; your belly is. And while that's kind of great in a lot of ways, it's also a huge adjustment to make so soon after taking off that gorgeous gown.