Pink Shares the Balanced (Yet Realistic) Schedule Her Family Is Following While in Self-Isolation

Pink is one of the many parents who are attempting to maintain some semblance of normalcy while in self-isolation. The singer and mom of two — 8-year-old Willow and 3-year-old Jameson — recently shared the remarkably balanced schedule her family will be following during this time, which includes time for academics, creativity, chores, fresh air, a little light exercise, and television.

Pink said Willow is a fan of the free TV time in particular, as well as the added benefit of a later bedtime. "That's her favorite part: bedtime can be 9:00 if all kids follow schedule and don't fight," Pink said. Before signing off, Pink added, "This is a crazy time but we have each other, so let's figure out a way to talk to each other and connect and be kind. I'll do my best to be kind too — when they're not fighting." Watch her comforting message ahead.

Watch Pink Share Her Family's Quarantine Schedule