12 Photos of Kids That Prove They Were More Technologically Advanced Than Their Parents in 2015

Flickr user Gordon

New technology seems to come out faster than we can keep up with these days, but for our kids, keeping up isn't an issue at all. It's an interesting day when you have to lean over and ask your 5-year-old how he changed a setting on your phone or your teenager how to set up something in your email. We think we're savvy and advanced until our little one totally schools us and we realize just how inadequate we are.

These 12 photos of kiddos using various gadgets prove that they were definitely more technologically advanced than any of us in 2015.

Professional Photographer in Training
Flickr user Travis Swan

Professional Photographer in Training

This little guy already has an assistant checking his email for him.

Tiny Typer
Flickr user Deryck Hodge

Tiny Typer

Pacifier at the ready, she's likely more confident using that keyboard than her parents ever will be.

Tablet Warriors
Flickr user Intel Free Press

Tablet Warriors

Based on their expressions, they're either super unimpressed with how long it takes technology to advance, or they're such pros at everything they're doing on those tablets that they're bored with it.

Business Call
Flickr user Olga/ Олька

Business Call

"Yeah, and this morning I aquired that company I wanted. I know! Took forever . . . "

Baby Researcher
Flickr user Donnie Ray Jones

Baby Researcher

If she looks serious, it's because she's clearly coding her website and launching her own brand of baby gear.

Touchscreen Tot
Flickr user Bruno Padilha

Touchscreen Tot

Based on that smug little face, I'm going to assume this kiddo is taking over the world with that iPad.

Skimming Email
Flickr user tinkerbrad

Skimming Email

Even the smallest of humans have trouble reaching inbox zero.

Independent Techie
Flickr user Gordon

Independent Techie

Gamer Status
Flickr user Game For Change

Gamer Status

The tablet cannot be put down until the game has been defeated — give him 10 minutes.

Tuned In
Flickr user Randen Pederson

Tuned In

Friends who iPhone together stay together.

Group Surf Sesh
Flickr user Twentyfour Students

Group Surf Sesh

"Let's all meet after snack to discuss the latest app advancements, shall we?"

Night Web Surfer
Flickr user zeitfaenger.at

Night Web Surfer

You can't get this girl off the computer — forget toddler bedtime!