This School District's Touching Snow Day Letter Encourages Families to "Let Go of the Worry"

A school district in West Virginia is suggesting families make the most of the impending inclement weather. In a sweet letter sent home by superintendent Bondy Shay Gibson, parents are being encouraged to play outside, relax, and make memories with their little ones on the first snow day of the year. The missive reads:

Dear Jefferson County Schools Community,

For generations, families have greeted the first snow day of the year with joy. It is a time of renewed wonder at all the beautiful things each season holds. A reminder of how fleeting a childhood can be. An opportunity to make some memories with your family that you hold on to for life.

For all of these reasons and many more, Jefferson County Schools will be completely closed for tomorrow, Dec. 16, in honor of the 1st snow day of the year. Closed for students . . . closed for virtual . . . closed for staff. It has been a year of seemingly endless loss and the stress of trying to make up for that loss. For just a moment, we can all let go of the worry of making up for the many things we missed by making sure this is the one thing our kids won't lose this year.

So please, enjoy a day of sledding and hot chocolate and cozy fires. Take pictures of your kids in snow hats they will outgrow by next year and read books that you have wanted to lose yourself in, but haven't had the time. We will return to the serious and urgent business of growing up on Thursday, but for tomorrow . . . go build a snowman.

Although an unexpected day off can be stressful for working parents — especially amid a pandemic — the overall sentiment is the gentle reminder we all need to embrace those small, heartwarming moments that we spend with our children. So if possible, get out there and enjoy the first snow of the season!