This Model Has One Big Issue With Gigi Hadid's Body-Positive Instagram

While Gigi Hadid received plenty of support after posting an Instagram that responded to her body shamers, model Blanca Padilla offered a different perspective. The Victoria's Secret model revealed on Spanish TV show Al Rincón (translation via The Fashion Spot) that while she embraces Gigi's perspective, things are not equal for all models.

"I don't have a problem with the fact that you're a curvy girl on the runway, I support that. But if it was me with your same measurements going to a casting they would send me home to lose weight. Most of us have to conform to extreme measurements because otherwise we won't book any jobs while others have the privilege to say that designers love them despite their curves. Well then, why do they love you? Maybe your millions of followers on Instagram might have something to do with it as well."

Blanca went on to discuss the difficulties of the industry, including the fact that despite having a "complex for being too thin," she's been critiqued on her body. "It's a huge personal shock when you go to a casting and someone tells you you're fat. I've been told I'm fat to my face."

Blanca's comments come at a time when the industry is under pressure to embrace diversity, still it's clear there is a long way to go in accepting women of all sizes for their natural bodies. Read on to see a few more of Blanca's comments about everything from body image to a near collision with Taylor Swift, and chime in with your thoughts in the comment section.

On Body Image and Modeling
Getty | Gilbert Carrasquillo

On Body Image and Modeling

"Sometimes people don't understand that it's as offensive to criticize someone for being underweight as it is for being overweight, especially when your job revolves around your image. I always think that one of the most important things you have to learn in this society is to accept yourself, and that's very hard. Normal people have a lot of issues with this, and it's the same for models because we actually work with our body and physical appearance. That's added pressure, because this job isn't about liking yourself, it's about being like your clients want. People at home probably think I'm being dramatic, but the only way to truly understand this is if you work in the industry."

On Modeling and Social Media
Getty | Anthony Harvey

On Modeling and Social Media

"There are models who are only booked because of how many followers they have only, and there are very valid models out there who aren't booking many jobs because they don't have social media, and they might be as valid, if not more, than some of the popular girls now. So everything is quite perplexing now, not fair for everyone and definitely not equal for everyone."

On Other Victoria's Secret Angels
Getty | Michael Stewart

On Other Victoria's Secret Angels

"I was expecting the worst because I was told it could be a bit hostile. The older models, the most experienced ones are the kindest because they know what it's like to be the younger one, the rookie, and I think they have a different perspective from all the years of experience. The ones who've been working with them for, like, 4 years are the ones with the most diva-ish attitude. You find yourself staring at the older ones because obviously you admire them and they smile back at you. And the others, well, sometimes they gossip about you with their friend or laugh. But it's nothing major, it's probably what would be happening to me if I was at Uni, but at the VSFS."

On Almost Colliding With Taylor Swift on the VS Runway
Instagram | blaancapadilla

On Almost Colliding With Taylor Swift on the VS Runway

"It was funny because Taylor Swift stepped right in front of me and, you know, you have to do your pose and it's meant to be your big moment, but I couldn't keep walking because she was there performing in front of me. I didn't really know what to do until she stepped back. "

On the Change After Walking For Victoria's Secret
Instagram | blaancapadilla

On the Change After Walking For Victoria's Secret

"The change wasn't as huge as they told me. They promised too many things, and it's true I've been more busy and booked for more jobs, but it wasn't the crazy change they told me it would be."