All About the New Headwear Trend Only the Most Adventurous Fashion Girls Will Try

When you think of headwear, does your mind wander to hats, scarves, and ball caps? Maybe the list includes a fascinator as well, especially if you're British.

But many people in China are taking their hat game well beyond the conventional chapeau. Meet the head sprout pin, a fad that has been taking over China for both men and women. According to The New York Times, no one knows exactly why or how the trend started. What began as simple bean sprout pins fastened onto hair has transformed into an all-out trend for adventurous young people who now adorn their heads with plastic sunflowers, chilis, and more! It's an out-there trend that could prove to be a fad — or something with staying power that we could see Stateside soon. Would you rock vegetation on your head?