Wedgie Fit Jeans Are Actually a Thing — and They're Equally Amazing and Terrifying

A great pair of jeans accentuates your best assets, but Levi's latest style takes flaunting it to the next level. The iconic denim brand has launched a new fit: the Wedgie, intended to improve upon the look of its retro styles. According to the brand, the new jeans are designed to embody the style of vintage Levi's while eliminating "that all-too familiar awkward front bulge that can occur when ladies wear vintage jeans."

With the popularity of vintage jeans on the rise, the brand is looking to capitalize with its new high-rise style that is – as the name suggests – intended to create a wedgie. But that's not all. According to the brand, "the back pockets of the Wedgie Jean are slightly tilted inwards adding the allure of the ultimate 'mom butt'."

Sadly, if you're looking to capitalize on your "mom butt" potential, you'll have to head to the UK for now, since the jeans are currently not available in the US. Read on for a peek at the true blues that might just be the next iconic style, and be sure to thank your mom for the inspiration.