You're Gonna Wish These Mermaid-y Nike Sneakers Were Part of Your World

When it comes to sneakers, Nike just gets us. After discovering (and immediately buying a pair of) its blush-pink Air Force 1 Jewels, we stumbled upon a sick pair of kicks that tap into our undying desire to transform into a mermaid. The classic Nike Air Max 1 SE ($130) just got a colorful upgrade that mixes some of our favorite hues: gray, light purple, turquoise, and a glitzy touch of gold. Altogether, these beachy colors look exactly like something our favorite mythical sea creature would wear, if they had feet instead of fins, that is.

With a comfy cushioned heel, these eye-catching mermaid-y sneakers are perfect for all-day wear, whether you're heading to yoga or just running some errands. Just another reason to hop on the athleisure bandwagon if you haven't already!