How 1 Woman Overcame Food Addiction and Lost 100 Pounds

Sarah Nicole is just as surprised as you. She never thought weight loss was possible and was happy being in between, neither fat or skinny. At her wedding she weighed 190 pounds, and ended up gaining about 10 pounds with each of her three pregnancies. At her highest weight, she was 225 pounds and realized she was dealing with a food addiction, eating whatever she wanted, never reading labels.

It wasn't until she saw her children swimming but felt too embarrassed to put on a bathing suit, that she had her light bulb moment, realizing that not only did her weight effect her self-esteem, but she laments, "I was missing out on memories with my children." But what really kicked her butt to make a lifestyle change was when she saw a photo of herself on Facebook. That did it.

She started tracking calories, educating herself about nutrition and clean eating, cut out processed food, and started running a mile five nights a week. The combination of a healthy diet and exercise was what helped Sarah drop 100 pounds! She wasn't making this lifestyle change because she didn't love herself, ". . . the deeper issue here was an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise that was crushing my spirit and causing me to disengage from LIFE." For anyone else on their own weight-loss journey, Sarah says, "It won't always be easy and temptation will be everywhere, but that's where that beautiful word comes in again....choice. So, choose you. 💕"