This Personal Trainer Shares Pictures of Her Cellulite to Prove We All Have It

Sophie Allen
Sophie Allen

Sophia Allen is a soon-to-be certified personal trainer and sport and exercise nutrition coach, who wants you to know a very important thing about her body. She captioned the above Instagram post with "#ihavecellulitetoo and it appears when I squeeze my butt & disappears with the simple act of slightly tilting my hips out!"

There has been a flood of body-positive posts recently about how certain camera angles and poses can make you look "perfect" on Instagram. Sophia says, "don't ever let instagram take away from your achievements, cause there's a lot of editing, tilting, posing, angles, lighting and all the rest going on."

There really can't be enough of these posts, which is why Sophia shared them on Instagram. She told POPSUGAR, "the more we can get the word out the better!" Nobody looks perfect all the time, so don't be fooled by the tricks people use on Instagram photos to make themselves look flattering — they have dimply skin, stretch marks, and belly rolls, too, they're just not showing it!

Cellulite is completely normal, and just about every woman has it, and Sophia reminds us, "don't beat yourself up if you feel like you see all these celluliteless peeps out there." We commend Sophia for baring her bum like this, because the more times we see women being "unfiltered AF," the better we'll feel about our bodies. Sophia goes on, "we have to embrace and love our bodies as they are, whilst working towards our healthiest, strongest selves 💛💛."