This CrossFit Exercise Is One of the Most Effective Ways to Tone Your Abs

What you've heard about CrossFit is true. It's incredibly hard and the workouts can leave you panting on the floor in pain, questioning why the hell you paid money for this, but I've never found another workout that has made me feel more badass and stronger than this — inside and out.

And this CrossFit move called the wall walk is one of my favorites because its works your entire body, but mostly the core and upper body. All you need is a wall, so you can do this move anywhere.

  • Lie on the ground with the soles of your feet just in front of a wall.
  • Place your hands underneath the shoulders and straighten the arms, doing a push-up.
  • Step your feet on the wall and walk your hands in toward the wall as you walk your feet up.
  • The goal is to touch your belly and nose or forehead to the wall, but this can feel really scary at first, so walk as close as you feel comfortable. As you get stronger and more confident, you can walk all the way in.
  • Simultaneously walk your feet down the wall and your hands away, coming back to lie down on your belly.
  • Repeat as many times as you can, as fast as you can, starting with three to five and building up to 10.