You'll Never Want to Wear Sleeves Again Once This Workout Gives You Strong, Sexy Shoulders

Unsplash | Max Rovensky

In the words of Alice Cooper — "School's out for Summer!" Well, almost, and that means your shoulders will be, too! You might want to add the song to your playlist for shoulder-building motivation in the next few months while you strength train for beautifully sculpted shoulders to show off while the weather heats up. There's no time like the present to hit the iron. Why? June 21 is the official first day of Summer. If you are just beginning a weight-training program, you're in luck. Your muscles will rapidly begin adapting to the stress of weight training, which is a good thing! You could feel strength gains and see muscular results in just a few weeks. If you work hard until the first day of Summer, you will definitely be sporting strong, sexy shoulders in your Summer wardrobe.

Need a little shoulder-growing guidance? POPSUGAR is here to help! We contacted certified personal trainer Sarah Chadwell for advice on the top five exercises you should be using in your shoulder day workouts.

"Shoulders need to be worked from all sides in order to have the rounded, toned sexy shape that you want to show off in your tank tops, halter tops, and swimsuits. The five exercises I am recommending will give you the complete package," said Chadwell.
Devote one day per week in the weight room to your shoulders, and we are sure that you will want to bare your rock-solid shoulders every day of this Summer. You will not only look strong, but you'll actually be stronger to boot.

Polina Liu

Front Plate Raises

Anterior, or front, raises work the front of your shoulders also called anterior deltoids.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Grab a plate (at least 10 lbs or more), and hold it straight out with your arms extended at your chest level. Don't lock your elbows completely.
  • Brace your body and begin lowering the weights down toward your legs.
  • Stop the movement before the plate touches your legs.
  • Then slowly begin lifting the weight back up to just above your starting position. You will be able to see through the hole in the plate (if you try).
  • Pause and hold for a 2 count and begin the next repetition.
  • Do three sets of 8 to 12 reps.
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Side Lateral Arm Raise

Side lateral raises will work both your anterior and medial delts or the front and outward sides of your shoulders.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart holding a pair of dumbbells. Your palms will face the sides of your legs.
  • Keeping your arms straight, but with your elbows slightly bent, raise both arms out to your sides. Your palms too will be facing downward.
  • At the top of the movement, your arms will be straight out and parallel to the floor.
  • Pause for one second, then slowly begin lower your arms back to starting position.
  • Complete three sets of 8 to 12 reps.
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Rear Delt Fly

"One area that many women (and men) neglect is the backs of their shoulders, or rear delts. Never neglect the back side of your body! If you want fully developed shoulders, you must include rear delt flys," said Chadwell.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, holding a pair of dumbbells in each hand. Your palms will be facing your body.
  • Keeping your back flat, bend forward at the hip joint to about a 45-degree angle.
  • Begin by lifting both arms out to your sides. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows. Continue upward until your elbows are even with your back and you can squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Then begin slowly lowering the dumbbells back to starting position.
  • Complete three sets of 8 to 12 reps.

Overhead Press

The dumbbell overhead press works every part of your shoulders — the front, sides, and back!

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Lift the dumbbells until they are at your shoulder height. Your palms will face forward, and your elbows will be bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Push the weights toward the ceiling until elbows are almost fully extended. The weights will naturally move toward each other as you push them over your head, but they should not touch each other.
  • Pause, then slowly return back to starting position.
  • Complete three sets of 8 to 12 reps.
Polina Liu

Landmine Press

Chadwell stated, "The previous four moves are basic, but necessary exercises for shoulders. I think that landmine presses are fun and aren't as commonly seen in the gym. They are, however, extremely effective, utilize a great range of motion, and require a lot of stabilization, which makes them challenging."

  • Place one end of a barbell in a corner or use the sleeve to perform this exercise.
  • Use just the barbell until you are comfortable or strong enough to add weight. Remember: form first!
  • Start with the barbell in your right hand. Hold it close to your body where your hand could almost rest on your clavicle. Spread your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • To begin the exercise, push the barbell straight up and toward the center line of your body.
  • Once you reach the top, don't lock your elbow. Pause and slowly lower the barbell back to your starting position.
  • After 8-12 repetitions, switch sides and complete 8-12 more. That is one set.
  • Complete three sets.
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