5 Easiest Home Remedies to Get Rid of Canker Sores Fast

If you haven't heard of a canker sore before, consider yourself one of the lucky ones who does not get them. Canker sores are everything from annoying to painful, and they make eating difficult, but they're also super easy to treat from the comfort of your own home. Of course, you wouldn't have to worry about treating canker sores if you prevented them in the first place. They can pop up if you eat or drink a lot of acidic or spicy foods, if you're not eating enough fruit and veggies, or if you are under a lot of stress and tired. But it isn't easy to just quit coffee or find more time to de-stress. Just remember one important thing, and that is canker sores are common. They are completely normal.

A canker sore is a "small, shallow, benign ulcer that can develop on the soft tissues inside your cheeks or lips, underneath your tongue, or at the base of your gums," said Dr. Josh Axe, D.N.M., C.N.S., D.C., the founder of Ancient Nutrition and DrAxe.com. You just know when they are coming. At first, you don't see it on your lip, but you can feel it tingling and burning under your skin, slowly dreading that moment when it makes an appearance. Now although the exact cause is not known yet, there are so many ways to treat it naturally.

Here is a roundup of the top five home remedies experts recommend to reduce the healing time and pain.

  1. Baking soda mouthwash: Dr. Axe has the best DIY mouthwash out there, and it only takes four minutes to make. All you need to do is mix 1 teaspoon baking soda, 2 tablespoons aloe vera juice, and 1/2 cup warm water. Just take a small sip, rinse for 10 seconds, spit, and repeat until you've used it all! This is sure to help with reducing inflammation, making it easier to munch on food. Make sure to repeat this every day until it disappears.
  2. Take probiotics: Probiotics are another key that will treat the root of the sore. "Probiotics create a more hospitable environment in your body so bacteria doesn't overgrow and keeps the problem away for good," said Dr. Elizabeth Trattner, an expert in personalized and Chinese medicine, to POPSUGAR. If you are experiencing pain, yogurt that has added probiotics is a great option because its coolness will also help decrease any tingling or burning sensation.
  3. Apple cider vinegar rinse: Apple cider vinegar is probiotics' partner in crime. While probiotics provide us with all the good bacteria, apple cider vinegar can kill all the bad bacteria and promote growth of the good guys. Dr. Axe recommends simply mixing equal parts warm water and apple cider vinegar and gargling daily until you kiss that canker sore goodbye.
  4. Apply honey: I bet you didn't see this one coming. Honey is basically the be-all and end-all cure. Specifically, raw unpasteurized and unfiltered honey has incredible anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling. All you need to do is apply a small amount of honey to the canker sore three to four times a day.
  5. Drink herbal tea: This type of tea can be filled with tons of herbs that may just be the most unexpected treatment for canker sores. Believe it or not, the root of the sore is not in the mouth, but from the stomach. Any environmental stress factors or foods that irritate the body create a hot environment in the stomach, which can lead to a canker sore. "Traditional Medicinal's Throat Coat Tea ($5) is filled with slippery elm, licorice, and marshmallow root that will turn your digestive track into a more hospitable environment, so bacteria doesn't overgrow and keeps the problem away for good," Dr. Trattner said.