This Is the 1 Meal Diana Ate Every Day For Lunch to Lose 25 Pounds in 3 Months

The road to losing weight isn't a perfectly paved smooth ride. Instead, the road to weight loss looks more like a few stretches that are newly paved, others with hidden potholes, sharp turns, and dead ends. Whether you're trying to lose those final 10 pounds or your goals are larger, it won't be easy, but it will be worth the journey. Diana experienced some minor setbacks in her own weight-loss journey and was determined to not let them hinder her overall progress. She revamped her diet, committed to a workout schedule, and was able to keep off the weight for good. Check out the all the changes Diana implemented to get back on track!

Diana Mireles

POPSUGAR: What made you start your journey?

Diana Mireles: I had already lost 30 pounds before, but with the holidays I pretty much let loose and indulged in all the delicious holiday food and didn't work out or run. I was really upset at the fact that I had pretty much gained almost everything I had lost previously and knew it was time to get it together.

PS: What was your starting weight?

DM: My starting weight was 195 pounds.

PS: How much weight have you lost to date? How long did it take you to lose it?

DM: I've lost 25 pounds to date and still counting. It's taken me a total of three months to lose that weight.

PS: Did you follow a specific diet? Why or why not?

DM: I had to change my eating habits completely. I knew that just working out wasn't going to do it. I cut out regular milk and switched to almond milk, cut out fast food completely, cut down on carbs, and cut out sweets and junk food. I don't drink soda and only stick with water, I eat salads everyday, and I usually snack on hard-boiled eggs and bananas.

PS: Do you count calories?

DM: I don't necessarily count calories, because then I will just obsess over the number, but I do watch what I eat and make sure I'm not consuming things with a high calorie count.

PS: What does a typical day of eating look like for you?

DM: I usually have a hard-boiled egg or a banana in the morning with a green juice. For lunch I have a salad, and for dinner I have grilled chicken with veggies and a side of salad. For snacks, I have fruit, hard-boiled eggs, or a protein bar if I feel like my energy is getting low at work. I'm not always superstrict with myself. I feel like I'd go crazy [if I were], so I try to treat myself to whatever I want during the weekend, but I'm still careful about how much I eat.

Diana Mireles

PS: Did you have a specific training schedule?

DM: I try to run three to four times a week (anywhere between three and 14 miles), then I go to the gym two to three times a week. I focus on cardio — the StairMaster — but I have been trying to incorporate weight training into my workouts to help me with my running.

PS: How do you keep your workout routine fresh and exciting?

DM: For the most part I stick with my three to four days of running and two to three days in the gym. Running relaxes me and is my "me" time. It takes a while for you to reach that level, but once you reach it, it's the best thing you could do for yourself, your health, and your life.

PS: What are some nonscale victories you've had?

DM: I set a personal record in my second marathon by 40 minutes, and I truly believe it's because of my diet and my changed eating habits. I felt really good throughout the marathon and even better once I crossed the finish line and knew I had PR'd. I'm also now down two jean sizes.

PS: What advice do you have for others on their journey?

DM: Stay focused and dedicated. Always remember why you started, and be your own motivation and biggest fan. Celebrate both the big and small accomplishments, and always remember that change doesn't happen over night, it takes time.