7 Achievable New Year’s Resolutions and How to Make Them Fun


There's a fine line between dreaming big and setting yourself up to fail. That's especially true with New Year's resolutions: If you start out thinking you'll be ready to run a marathon by the end of January, you might end up disappointed.

It's much more satisfying to make resolutions you can actually achieve, then crush your goals. Set yourself up for success in 2019 by going after these seven realistic resolutions, whether you want to get back into a workout routine, eat healthier, or save more money.

Cook One New Healthy Recipe Each Week
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio

Cook One New Healthy Recipe Each Week

Trying to go from indulging in whatever you want, whenever you want to a restrictive, highly specific eating plan just isn't realistic. Instead, start small. Challenge yourself to test one new healthy recipe each week — perhaps even one with a trendy ingredient like quinoa, tahini, or dandelion greens. At the very least, you'll gain some chef skills!

Join the barre3 January Challenge

Join the barre3 January Challenge

It seems like everyone flocks to the gym in January. Trying to work off all the extra calories you consumed over the holidays isn't always the healthiest thing, though. This year, forget about losing weight and instead focus on workouts that make you feel good — like the barre3 January Challenge. This workout challenge combines unlimited barre3 classes with a month of free access to Headspace and a daily mindfulness practice, so you'll be working your mind as much as your muscles. Why not enlist your friends, too? You'll motivate each other and get to spend lots of quality time together.

Give Meditation a Try

Give Meditation a Try

It seems like everyone from your barre instructor to your coworker is raving about mindfulness meditation these days. Why not give it a shot? It doesn't require any fancy equipment or special training — in fact, apps like Headspace make it incredibly easy to try at home. Just pick a guided meditation, find a quiet place to sit, and hit play.

Start a Book Club With Your Pals
POPSUGAR Photography | Lexi Lambros

Start a Book Club With Your Pals

Resolving to read more isn't always enough — some of us need a bit more of a concrete goal. Find a group of like-minded friends and start a monthly book club. Each of you can take turns picking the month's required reading, and setting a deadline just might make you more likely to finish the book. You can even set a fun theme for each month, like books being made into movies or books by female authors. (We've got some ideas, if you need inspiration.)

Commit to Cleaning Out Just One of Your Closets
POPSUGAR Photography | Julia Van Arsdale

Commit to Cleaning Out Just One of Your Closets

There's no need to deep clean the entire house. You might be surprised by just how satisfying it feels to organize one tiny piece of your home, like the coat closet, bathroom cupboard, or junk drawer. Hey, you might even be inspired to take on a larger cleaning project!

Save $10 Every Week

Save $10 Every Week

Tempting as it is to resolve that you're going to save thousands of dollars every month, that's probably not realistic. Instead of embarking on some grand, unsustainable financial scheme, start by setting up an automated transfer of just $10 into your savings account every week. It's not much, but it will add up to $520 in one year — plus, it might just give you the confidence you need to start saving more and more in the future.

Ban Your Phone From Your Bedroom
POPSUGAR Photography | Mark Popovich

Ban Your Phone From Your Bedroom

If you find yourself eating, working, exercising, and even sleeping with your smartphone by your side, it might be time to take a break. Let's be honest: Few of us could give up time on our phones entirely, so try limiting your browsing before bed. You might have an easier time falling asleep without the distracting notifications — plus, you'll have to get out of bed to switch off your alarm in the morning.