This Fitness Blogger Proves That Self-Love Is So Much More Than Physical Changes

Kelsey Wells is just like all of us. She has started and stopped fitness plans countless times, but one day, she decided that was it and Kelsey was committing to Kayla Itsines's BBG program. Now, more than 60 weeks into the program, Kelsey is reflecting on her journey. For her, it wasn't about losing weight after giving birth to her son Anderson; it was about finding true happiness and loving the skin she's in.

The My Sweat Life blogger recently took to Instagram to talk about self-love with her 700,000 followers. "IF YOU ARE BASING YOUR SELF-LOVE AND HAPPINESS ON LOOKING A CERTAIN WAY, YOU WILL NEVER BE HAPPY," she opened her post. "Happiness does not come from a six pack or a pant size."

Kelsey talked about her struggle to be happy with herself, and it's something many of us can appreciate hearing. "I personally have been many weights and sizes and no matter WHAT, was never happy with my body," she wrote. "THAT is why I preach self love, because if we don't love ourselves we are not healthy no matter how 'fit' we are. I promote being active and nourishing our bodies because if we aren't caring for our bodies, it is hard for that self love to grow."

While we are totally blown away by Kelsey's toned photos, she explains that what the photos don't show is "the mental and emotional changes" she's accomplished. "I have worked hard and am proud of my physical progress, but I am more proud of the fact that it does not define me. For much of my life I was filled with self doubt and insecurities, so I am MOST proud that now I am proud of who I am."

She continued, "Self love is not about thinking you are perfect and never wanting to improve or change. It is about understanding you are WORTHY, and WORTH IT, REGARDLESS of any physical changes; and I believe as we take care of our bodies physically, it is SO MUCH EASIER to treat ourselves with love mentally and truly see the worth permanently within us. Not because you start to look a certain way, but because you start to FEEL a certain way."

Kelsey brings up such an important point about transformations: the photos mean nothing unless we love ourselves and are truly happy. Transformation photos cannot show your emotional journey, but that emotional journey is something to be even more proud of. She left her followers with a final message, "strive to love yourself while working on yourself, and you'll find they both come easier."