If You Ever Felt Self-Conscious Next to Your Skinnier Friend, Read This

Let's talk about bums, shall we? Flat bums, shapely bums, curvy bums, juicy, jiggly, dimpled bums, muscly bums, athletic bums... ahhhh - so much variety! That's mine on the left there. I used to be 14kg lighter 10 years ago, and my bum looked a bit different. And you know what? Even back then I didn't love my booty... it was always one of my (ahem...) "stand out features." So when my friend @candicefit_health first asked if she could post this pic on the interwebs, I made her crop out my rear end. You see next to hers, I was worried that mine looked huuuuuge (hello... comparison is a killer!). But no more. Here it is, unedited for all to see. Because ALL bums are awesome in their own way. And I've learned to love mine. Thanks Candice for making me feel brave. And beautiful. Oh - and P.S. Your bum is super nice too!

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Maybe you, too, have one area of your body that sticks out to you as not your favorite, but this Instagrammer is learning to love hers. She says, "I used to be 14kg lighter 10 years ago, and my bum looked a bit different. And you know what? Even back then I didn't love my booty . . . it was always one of my (ahem . . . ) 'stand out features.'" So when her friend asked if she could post this beach photo of the two of them, she said, "I made her crop out my rear end. You see next to hers, I was worried that mine looked huuuuuge (hello . . . comparison is a killer!). But no more. Here it is, unedited for all to see. Because ALL bums are awesome in their own way. And I've learned to love mine."

With beach season heading our way, it's important to remember that all bodies are beautiful, including all the variety of tushies out there — "Flat bums, shapely bums, curvy bums, juicy, jiggly, dimpled bums, muscly bums, athletic bums." Why waste your time comparing yourself to others, when you could spend that time celebrating your unique, awesome, amazing self, and feel a whole hell of a lot happier!