This Before-and-After Reminds Us All of 1 Very Important Thing

Who doesn't want to look good in photos? We wear flattering clothes, smile, pose, and show our best angles. That's how it was for Tesia Kline when she began her weight-loss journey. She said, "I made it very clear to myself that I would NEVER post any pictures unless it fit my idea of 'Social media worthy'."

What did that mean? She went on, "Couldn't show a belly roll. Always had to suck it in. Needed to turn my legs a certain way where there was absolutely 0 cellulite visible. Hips to the side, glutes flexed, you name it!" What Tesia wishes she'd realized earlier is how beautiful she was without doing all that.

She's posting these before-and-after photos to remind herself (and us, too!) that "pretending that you're not perfect at EVERY angle is just unacceptable." There's nothing wrong with posing for photos and wanting to look good in them, but we should practice loving ourselves and being happy with all our angles!