Your Motivation Meter Is About to Fly Off the Saddle With Peloton's Train Like Allyson Felix Program

Hazel Ravago (Peloton)
Hazel Ravago (Peloton)

If you've felt truly inspired watching Allyson Felix dominate on the track (she's the most decorated track and field Olympian in history, NBD), and you're a huge Peloton fan, you better sit in your saddle for this news. Peloton has launched a new Train Like Allyson Program.

It's part of a program launching June 28, where Peloton is partnering with nine elite athletes, including Allyson Felilx, who is a passionate Peloton member herself. The goal is to inspire the Peloton community to push harder and train like champions. Felix told Peloton, "Community is everything. I am blessed to have such amazing support in my family, friends, and training group. But my community also includes those who have lifted me up and cheered me on through my professional career."

This exclusive week-long training program was designed by Felix in collaboration with Peloton instructor Jess Sims, so the Peloton community can get a taste for what it's like to train like an Olympian. We're talking peak performance meditations, HIIT runs, strength for runners, and active recovery with walking and yoga.

Felix said, "Every day, I like to find a new motivation for training." Some days she likes to have specific training goals to see how much further she can go. And other days she focuses on doing her best and making it back home for some family time. But she says, "It's so amazing knowing I can always get a challenging, quality workout in my home on the days I'm not able to make it to the track or when I just want that extra time with my daughter."

This special content is accessible to all members on Peloton Digital, and if you're not already a member, you can sign up for a 30-day free trial. You don't need to be an elite athlete or marathoner to do this program — it's accessible to all levels. Here's a rundown of the weekly program:

Day 1: 20-minute outdoor walk and run with Jess Sims
Day 2: 30-minute focus flow: lower body with Kristen McGee
Day 3: 20-minute core for runners plus a five-minute full-body stretch with Selena Samuela
Day 4: five-minute rest day meditation with Kristen McGee
Day 5: 20-minute strength for runners plus a five-minute hips stretch with Selena Samuela
Day 6: 10-minute peak performance meditation with Kristen McGee
Day 7: 10-minute outdoor warmup walk plus 30-minute outdoor final HIIT run with Jess Sims

Hazel Ravago (Peloton)