After an Intense Butt Workout, Do This 10-Minute Yoga Sequence

POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

Our Better-Butt Challenge has 21 days of workouts to help you take your butt from flat to full. In the end, you'll have a tighter, stronger backside. Be sure to check back tomorrow when we share the next workout of this three-week plan.

After all those squats and lunges to get a bounce-quarters-off-your-buns butt, here's a relaxing and essential yoga sequence to stretch out the quads, hips, hamstrings, and lower back. After moving through the seven-sequence flow, repeat again on the other side.

Reclining Hero
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Reclining Hero

This must-do quad stretch will feel so good after all those squats.

  • Begin sitting in between the heels with both knees bent. If this is too much, place a block under your tush.
  • If your butt is on the floor, intensify the stretch by walking your hands behind you, lying all the way down, with the arms extended above your head.
  • Enjoy this stretch for five deep breaths.
Open Lizard
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Open Lizard

This variation of Lizard pose will open a different part of your hip, as well as offer a nice stretch for the hip flexor.

  • From Reclining Hero, sit up and come into a low lunge position with the right knee bent in front, and the left leg extended behind you, knee resting on the mat.
  • Slowly lower your right knee to the right, so you're resting on the outside of your right flexed foot. Keep your arms straight, pressing your chest forward to help encourage your hips to sink lower.
  • Gaze forward, and enjoy this pose for five breaths.
Head to Knee
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Head to Knee

This classic pose will target the hamstrings and hips.

  • From Open Lizard, step your left leg forward and press the sole of your right foot against your left inner thigh.
  • Fold over your left leg, resting your hands on the floor on either side of your leg, on your shin, or wrap your hands around your left foot.
  • Stay here for five breaths.
Seated Spinal Twist
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Seated Spinal Twist

This pose targets the oh-so-tight piriformis muscle.

  • From Head to Knee, bend your left knee, cross your right foot over your left knee, and plant it on the floor so your outer right ankle is next to your left knee.
  • Reach your right arm behind you, and place your palm on the floor. Cross your left elbow over your outer right thigh to gently increase the twist.
  • Gaze behind you and over your right shoulder, staying here for five breaths.
Figure Four
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Figure Four

This relaxing variation of Pigeon really targets the outer hip and glute muscles.

  • From Seated Spinal Twist, keep the knees in the same position as you roll down onto your back with both legs in the air. Keep your right ankle on your left thigh above your knee.
  • Reach your right hand through the open space created by your right leg and grab your left hand, which is reaching around the outside of your left thigh. Slowly bend your left knee toward your chest.
  • Hold for five breaths.
Reclining Straddle
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Reclining Straddle

Here's another stretch for the hamstrings that will also target the lower back.

  • From Figure Four, release hold of the left knee. Grab onto the big toes and straighten your legs out as wide as you can.
  • Keep your head and shoulders relaxed on the floor, enjoying this stretch for five deep breaths.
Half Wheel
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Half Wheel

Backbends always feel good, and this one also stretches the hamstrings and the upper neck.

  • From Reclining Straddle, release the toes and bend your knees, placing your heels as close as you can to your bum.
  • With your palms and feet pressing firmly into the ground, lift your hips up. Keep your palms on the mat or clasp your hands together below your pelvis, extending through your arms. Or you can also bend your elbows and rest your hands on your lower back (as shown). If your feet are close enough, you can also hold your ankles.
  • Stay here for five deep breaths, lifting your hips up as high as you can.
Happy Baby
POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

Happy Baby

This calming hip opener offers one of the best stretches for the hips and lower back.

  • Begin lying flat on your back. Bend both knees, and hold the outside edges of your flexed feet with your hands.
  • Gently use your upper-body strength to equally press both knees to the floor below your armpits. Try not to tense your shoulders or chest, but keep everything relaxed.
  • Stay here for five deep breaths.
  • Sit up and repeat this entire sequence on the other side.