3 Incredible Abs Exercises From Blogilates Founder Cassey Ho

You just need a mat and a few minutes to feel the burn with this no-equipment ab workout from Self.

Pilates is good for everything. It strengthens your muscles, challenges your balance, improves your posture, and increases your flexibility. But Pilates is particularly amazing (ridiculously great) at working your core.

So when Cassey Ho, founder of Blogilates and the POP Pilates method stopped by SELF HQ, we asked her to demo a few of her favorite Pilates core exercises. Cassey was in New York City promoting the launch of the POP Pilates classes at 24 Hour Fitness gyms nationwide—so try these moves below, then head to a nearby location to get the full experience.

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Reps: 12

Be sure to keep your spine long, chest open, and shoulders rolled down and away from your ears. Once you complete a circular motion to the right (that’s 1 rep), reverse the direction moving legs to the left. Do 12 reps, alternating directions with each rep.



Reps: 20

When twisting, imagine you’re bringing your opposite shoulder and knee to touch. Do 20 reps, alternating directions with each rep.



Reps: Hold for 10 seconds.

Be sure to keep your abs tight and spine long. Hold the “V” shape for 10 seconds, then lower body back to the ground. (Or try this modification with bent knees.)

Awesome job! Now just repeat the entire sequence three times.