Fast Food Isn't ALL Bad — but These 4 Menu Items Are the Worst Offenders

Pexels | Salo Al

When it comes to convenience, fast food is a clear winner. There are tons of fast food restaurants around, with various options (some may even be good for your health!) at a good price point, making it something easy to grab and eat, especially on the go. Yet, some of those foods are pretty bad for you, and they really shouldn't be eaten, no matter the perceived perks. Here are a few diet busters that you should never purchase from a fast food spot from RDs themselves.


Hash Browns

Those crispy potatoes might taste real good, but they're not so great for your health. "Although hash browns taste really delicious, they are a terrible way to start your day," Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, told POPSUGAR. "Disguised as potatoes, hash browns are just fried food (that are not any better than french fries), and they will weigh you down at the beginning of your day."

If you're looking for a healthier side for your egg sandwich, opt for yogurt or fruit, instead, she says.



Those babies are enormous, so it's no shocker that the calories, carbs, and fats surely add up. "Beef burritos are so much bigger than one portion of food, and they are full of grease, saturated fat and calories," says Rizzo.

"Instead, opt for tacos, which are naturally portion controlled, and fill them with lean proteins, like chicken, fish or beans," she says.


Taco Salad

Making a taco-inspired salad at home or eating portioned tacos can be healthy, but the taco salads you order from fast food joints that are served in taco bowls have you fooled.

"You may think a salad is a sensible option at a fast food restaurant — well, in the case of a taco salad, think again! Most taco salads pack over 800 calories from the fried shell to the mound of cheese and sour cream," says Chicago-based Maggie Michalczyk, RD.


Double or Triple Cheeseburger

"It may not exactly be a double/triple serving size since there's not always doubling/tripling of the bun and condiments, but when it comes to burgers, most of the calories and negative nutrients, such as sodium and saturated fat, are coming from the patties and cheese," explains Maggie Moon, MS, RD, author of The MIND Diet. Cheese could be one or more slices. It seems like one slice per patty is the standard, which means a double burger would have two slices, and a triple could have three, she says.

"Today's average burger is 600 calories, and if you make it a double or triple, you could easily find yourself in the 1,000-plus calories territory, which is excessive for one meal, especially since you may also be having fries and a drink on top of that."

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