The Worst Cheeses You Can Eat If You're Trying to Lose Weight, According to Dietitians

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Let's just get one thing clear: there's no such thing as "good" or "bad" foods. Sure, there are some foods that are more nutritious for your body than others, but assigning moral value to foods is a recipe (pun intended!) for disordered eating and a poor relationship with food.

That being said, there are some foods that can help you reach your goals faster. For example, there are some cheeses that can help you reach weight-loss goals because they are low-calorie, satiating, full of vitamins, or packed with protein. On the flip side, there are some cheeses that will add some extra calories and grams of saturated fat to your daily diet, which could stall your progress or even cause you to pack on the pounds.

Keep in mind, this is mostly for people who are doing good old-fashioned calorie or macro counting, not keto, which encourages the consumption of full-fat dairy. That being said, here are the cheeses dietitians recommend avoiding if you're trying to lose weight.

Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is a breakfast staple, especially atop toast or bagels. Unfortunately, it also could add extra calories and fat to your day. Each two-tablespoon serving has 100 calories, 10 grams of fat, and just two grams of protein.

"Not only will it contribute to a high calorie and fat intake, but it also most likely won't help you to stay full for very long," dietitian and personal trainer Jim White, RD, ACSM, told POPSUGAR.

Blue Cheese

"Although this cheese can give any typical salad a classy and fancy edge, the addition of blue cheese is actually a high-calorie and high-fat one," Jim said. One ounce of blue cheese has 100 calories and nearly nine grams of fat, five of which are saturated.


This fancy cheese makes its way into gourmet grilled cheeses and mac and cheese recipes, but there's a reason it's so rich; one slice (about one ounce) has about 116 calories and nine grams of fat.

"As even a small snack, the calories and fat in this cheese add up quickly and could easily contribute to belly fat gain," Jim said.


Mascarpone is the shining star of tiramisu and other creamy desserts, but it can really tack on extra calories to your day if you're not careful; each tablespoon has 120 calories, 12 grams of fat, and nine grams of saturated fat.

"This Italian cheese is high in saturated fat and calories and low in protein," Joy Bauer, MS, RDN, CDN, author of Joy's Simple Food Remedies, told POPSUGAR. "Decadent and delicious, but not so diet-friendly."

Nonfat Cheeses

You may think that opting for fat-free cheese is a good way to cut back on fat and calories if you're trying to lose weight. In reality, this could do more harm than good.

"Nonfat cheeses taste a bit plastic and don't melt well, so they leave you feeling unsatisfied," Joy said. "These aren't worth it, in my opinion."

You're better off opting for a little bit of low-fat or full-fat cheese, like cheddar or mozzarella, and enjoying the flavor.

Baked Brie

Although regular brie is one of the best cheeses for weight loss, baked brie can be a whole other calorie bomb.

"This creamy and fattening treat is usually topped with sugary jams or honey and sometimes even comes baked in a puff-pastry shell," Joy said. "Add a few baguette slices or tortilla chips for dipping and you'll sock your system with 400-plus calories and a mound of fat, starch, and salt."

Stick to regular brie and enjoy a little bit with an apple or a couple of whole wheat crackers.

Fried Mozzarella Sticks

There's no surprise here: the best way to make cheese even more fattening is by battering it and deep-frying it.

"Ooey-gooey mozzarella sticks are hard to resist, but just four from a restaurant portion can cost you about 420 calories. And that's before you even start on your main meal — ouch!" Joy said. "Instead, dip part-skim string cheese in warm marinara sauce and savor every delicious and diet-friendly bite."

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