A Quick Long and Lean Bodyweight Workout

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We love adding lengthening moves into our strength training, and this workout does just that. These feel-good bodyweight exercises will stretch you out while toning you all over.

Long and Lean Workout

Equipment needed: None

Directions: After warming up with two minutes of light cardio (find inspiration here), perform each exercise for one minute, keeping good form, before moving to the next. Repeat the circuit twice.


  • Alternating lunge with shoulder squeeze
  • Down Dog push-up
  • Single-leg deadlift
  • Superman

Keep reading for detailed explanations and images of the moves.

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Alternating Lunge With Shoulder Squeeze

Open the front of your body while working your backside; this exercise stretches the front of the hip and chest.

  • With your hands at your chest, step back with your left leg coming into a deep lunge, making sure your left knee does not go beyond your left toes.
  • Hold the lunge and pull your elbows behind you, squeezing your shoulder blades.
  • Bring your arms forward, and return to standing. Switch legs, and repeat.
  • Continue alternating sides for one minute.
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Down Dog Push-Up

This exercise stretches the back of the legs while working the arms. Do use your abs to help!

  • Begin in a Downward Dog, an inverted V position, stretching your calves and lengthening your spine.
  • Lower your elbows gently to the floor, coming into a Quarter Dog position.
  • Press your hands into the floor to straighten your elbows, and pull your navel up toward your spine to move the pelvis up and back. Return to your Down Dog to complete one rep.
  • Do as many reps as you can, with good form, for one minute.
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Single-Leg Deadlift

Lengthen and then strengthen your hamstring with this exercise that also tests your balance.

  • Stand with all your weight in your right foot, abs engaged and chest lifted.
  • Reach your torso forward as you lift your left leg behind you. Reach your arms out to the sides for balance as your torso and leg come parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for a moment, and reach through your left heel to engage the back of the left leg.
  • Moving in one piece, lower your right leg toward the floor as you return to standing upright, resting the left foot lightly on the ground. This completes one rep.
  • Switch legs, and continue alternating sides for one minute.
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Feel the front of your body lengthen as you work your back; this exercise opens the chest, too.

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms reaching overhead.
  • Keeping your feet on the floor, arch your upper back to lift your chest off the floor.
  • Keeping your torso stable, bend your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Then reach your fingertips toward your toes with your palms down, and lift your chest another inch away from the floor.
  • Sweep your arms forward while lowering your upper body all the way to the mat, returning to the starting position. Continue this exercise for one minute.
  • Take a Child's Pose to stretch out your back for a few seconds before moving to the next exercise.
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