Looking to Get Your Heart Rate Up and Burn Fat? Try 4 Trainer-Approved Bodyweight Moves

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By now you've most likely heard that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is good for a variety of reasons. If done properly — short bursts of maximum effort with rest periods — and enough times per week, you can reap many benefits from HIIT. It torches calories, helps you build lean muscle, and sheds body fat (and, studies suggest, even belly fat!). It has cardiovascular benefits as well. Quick and effective, it's safe to say that it is the real MVP of fitness.

Certified personal trainer Johanna Devries told POPSUGAR that when it comes to HIIT, the exercises you choose should be, of course, high intensity "and either require power or endurance. This pushes your heart to work overtime and allows you to burn calories in a shorter period of time," she said. When asked for some of her favorite moves to do during HIIT, she named the following:

  • Jump squat
  • Frogger
  • Mountain climbers
  • Lunge pulse

Ahead, check out details on why Johanna likes these four moves and exactly how to perform each (they're great for HIIT but are also effective on their own in a circuit that isn't timed). And if you're looking for a full workout, check out Johanna's 15-minute bodyweight HIIT routine. Plus, here are her go-to tips for getting a good sweat session in at home.

Johanna Devries

Jump Squats

Johanna said that she likes jump squats because they require you to use your entire body (your core is engaged, your glutes and hips are working, and you're swinging your arms for momentum), and these can get your heart rate up within the first few reps. "The fact that you should try your best to land softly on your feet also challenges your agility and control over your body," she added.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively.
  • When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires control.
  • If you're doing these for reps and sets, Johanna suggests doing 3 sets of 12.
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Froggers are another one of her favorite exercises to add to HIIT workouts because it challenges your core. This exercise requires both power when you're jumping your feet forward to meet your hands as well as endurance to make it through the reps.

  • Begin in a plank position. Jump your feet to the outside of your hands, coming into a deep squat and keeping your hands on the floor.
  • Jump your feet back to a plank. This equals one rep.
  • If you're doing these for reps and sets, Johanna suggests doing 3 sets of 15.
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Mountain Climbers

This move, Johanna told us, is very fluid and challenges your balance and ability to contract your core. "It can also do a lot for toning the legs as they are moving in a bicycle-like motion," she said.

  • Start in a traditional plank — shoulders over hands and weight on just your toes.
  • With your core engaged, bring your right knee forward under your chest, with the toes just off the ground. Return to your basic plank. Switch legs, bringing the left knee forward.
  • Keep switching legs and begin to pick up the pace until it feels a little like running in place in a plank position. Continue "running" in your plank.
  • If you're doing these for reps and sets, Johanna suggests doing 3 sets of 15 per side.
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Lunge Pulses

  • Stand with the feet hip-distance apart. Keep your upper body straight, core engaged, with your shoulders relaxed, and your chin up.
  • Step forward with your right leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, and your other knee gently lowers softly to the floor.
  • Keeping your legs where they are — right foot in front, left toe on the ground behind you — straighten back up. Then continue pulsing in this lunge position before switching sides.
  • If you're doing these for reps and sets, Johanna suggests doing 3 sets of 15 per side.

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