I Love Strength Training, but These Pilates Workouts Have Me (and My Abs!) Hooked

I love strength training, but lately I've completely switched up my workout routine, and I've been doing a lot of Pilates. I haven't retired the weights, but I like doing Pilates workouts on days when I want to move my body but am sore from a challenging running workout or doing a strength session the day prior.

About a month ago, I did a quick search on YouTube for Pilates workouts and came across Isa Welly's channel. I immediately fell in love with her energy and began doing her workouts. I like how short they are, you don't need much space to get them done, and they challenge my muscles differently than strength training and running. I also know that as a trainer, Pilates is great for creating stability, especially for the core muscles, and it can help improve muscular imbalances.

Welly's workouts have become a favorite, and I think they're especially great on the days when you want to move, but you don't want to do anything too intense. If you're looking for a new way to train or you want something quick and challenging, these workouts have your name written all over them!

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Isa Welly's 20-Minute Full-Body Beginner Pilates Workout

If you're new to Pilates or haven't done it in a while, I highly recommend starting off with this beginner Pilates flow. It's only 20-minutes long, and it's going to wake up muscles throughout your body that have been asleep for quite some time.

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Isa Welly's 15-Minute, Full-Body Power Pilates Workout

This is arguably my favorite Pilates workout from Welly. I love how short it is and how much we get done in 15 minutes. Your arms, abs, and legs are going to feel great after you do this quick workout.

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Isa Welly's 30-Minute, Full-Body and Core Pilates Workout

This 30-minute full-body and abs workout is for all levels and may help reduce any aches and pain in your lower back, according to Welly. You'll be challenged for the duration of the workout, but that's what you want, right?

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Isa Welly's 20-Minute Gentle Morning Pilates Flow

Gently get your body ready for the day with this 20-minute morning Pilates flow. It will wake you up mentally and physically, and leave you feeling ready to conquer the day. I recommend this flow on the days when you want to move but don't want to do anything intense.

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Isa Welly's 30-Minute Full-Body Pilates and Barre Fusion Workout

If you love barre and Pilates, definitely press play on this workout. It's different than doing burpees and squats, but your muscles will absolutely let you know it's working.

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Isa Welly's 30-Minute Total-Body Pilates Workout

This is another one of my favorite workouts from Welly. It's low-impact but 100-percent challenging. You more than likely will be shaking as you go through each movement, but Welly's dynamic energy will keep you motivated to finish the class.

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Isa Welly's 12-Minute Advanced Pilates Workout

This flow is definitely for the advanced, and you don't need an hour to feel it working. Expect your muscles to be turned on and working at their best in just 12 minutes!

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Isa Welly's 30-Minute Full-Body Pilates Workout With Weights

If you're ready to take your Pilates workouts to the next level, try Welly's weighted 30-minute workout. You don't need heavy weights, and you'll definitely feel these moves challenging your strength after a few reps.