Want to Live Healthier in 2021? Using One of These Habit Trackers Can Offer Daily Inspiration

There's a quote from Zig Ziglar that says, "There's no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs," and working step by step on healthy habits daily is what will help you thrive and be successful in reaching your goals. If you make taking care of yourself a daily habit, you won't need motivation to stick with it; it'll become second nature. Filling out monthly habit trackers is one way to ensure those healthy habits happen, and these templates will help give you ideas on one that will work best for you.

Some of these habit trackers are blank, and some are filled in, which might give you ideas for new habits you may want to start — a favorite is the one that says "procreate," because being close to our loved ones is essential to our mental health!

When creating your own habit tracker, you can include general habits like "drink more water" or "exercise," or go more specific with habits like "journal for 10 minutes a day" or "strength train three times a week." You can track 15 habits a day, or just choose one, like "get 10,000 steps." This is for you, so choose the one that speaks to you; it may take several months to find the template and habits that work best. But the most important thing is that this will help you be proactive about taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually; it will inspire you daily; and you'll have a visual throughout the month to show your progress.

Start off with a few doable goals to feel successful.

Starting with just three meaningful habits may be enough! It's better to be consistent with a few than to try to tackle too much at once.

Use a fun design to fill out your habit tracker, and you'll feel inspired to stick with it so you can see the gorgeous pattern come through!

If you have daily medications or vitamins you want to remember to take, add them to your habit tracker.

A habit tracker inspires healthy behavior throughout the month, so don't feel like your habits have to be done every single day in order to have a positive impact.

Start with a few habits, and you can always add more as the year goes on.

Use little drawings to symbolize the habit, like the sun can mean "wake up before 6 a.m."

Here's a blank habit-tracker template for inspiration.

Use your habit tracker to start a new habit, like a healthy skincare routine.

Progress, not perfection! It's OK if the entire chart isn't filled in. Take each day at a time, and use tomorrow as an opportunity to do better.

This square-shaped habit-tracker template is mesmerizing and allows you to track five habits at once.

If you like to draw, pick an image that inspires you — in this case, the mountains. The individual circles allow you to color in the days as you complete each habit.

For the music-lovers, you'll love this delicately drawn habit tracker.

This template is known as "year in pixels" and is a great way to make habits that last through until 2022.

Your habit tracker can also have a section that tracks your productivity, mood, and energy.

Eating fruits and veggies each day is a great healthy habit to get into! I also like how cleaning is on this tracker because keeping a neat environment can help you feel more calm.

This circular habit tracker includes a few popular habits like drinking water and exercising.

Habit trackers can be very basic, but using brightly colored markers can make them more exciting.

This habit tracker has time set aside for art and knitting, because doing something creative can help support your mental health.

This habit tracker is flowery and whimsical. Always make time for self-care! If you make it a daily habit, it's more likely to happen.

There's something so satisfying about this color scheme.

Pair your habit tracker with some art to make it unique and personal. Also, your habits don't need to take a lot of time, like this tracker that has "get outside for 15 minutes."

Many trackers have you mark the days the habit was completed, but you can also mark the days the habits were not completed.

This monthly habit tracker only has two habits on it (plus mood), but it shows how you can track progress within those habits.

Sure, watching Netflix can be a daily habit, if it's something you do for your mental health or as a way to inspire workouts. This is your tracker, so you choose the habits!

This blank, circular habit tracker also has a section for monthly habits.

Your habit tracker doesn't have to take up a lot of space. This one is half a page!

Make your habit tracker as colorful as you want!

When you see yourself stray from your daily habits, use it as motivation to get back on track.

Your habit tracker can have a range of habits that support your entire life.

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