10 Easy and Healthy Breakfast Foods That May Just Help You Lose Weight

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Your mama was right when she told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why? Skipping breakfast is linked to a slew of not-so-great outcomes, like an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. And if you're trying to manage your weight, breakfast can also help you on your quest — with some caveats.

If you're starting your morning with a sugary donut and cream-filled cup of coffee, you may be doing more harm than good. While this breakfast is undoubtedly delish, the sugar content can cause you to crash later, which can lead to overeating. Instead, you should choose breakfast items that contain some healthy fats, fiber, and protein — which can help give your meal some staying power and prevent those embarrassing midmorning grumbles.

If your goal is to sustain a healthy weight, experts have offered some tips for choosing the right foods: eat your breakfast instead of drinking it, make sure it includes some protein, and eat at least 350 calories each morning, to name a few. As a registered dietitian, I understand the importance of eating a healthy breakfast. But as a working mom who is juggling all the things, I can also understand why you might not have time to cook. While making your breakfast from scratch is a wonderful practice, many people (present company included) simply don't have the bandwidth for prepping, cooking, and cleaning during the typical morning rush.

As such, I have found some amazing breakfast foods that are simple to make, help manage a healthy weight, and most importantly, taste really good. Keep reading for my picks!

The Soulfull Project Instant Oatmeal Cups

Research shows that eating whole grains can help reduce body weight and inflammation. Fortunately, The Soulfull Project Instant Oatmeal Cups ($14 for a pack of six) make getting your morning serving so much easier. These single-serve oatmeal cups are loaded with whole-grain oats, along with ingredients like quinoa, flax seeds, and chia seeds, which deliver healthy fats, fiber, and protein to help keep you full longer.

Top your oats with some chopped nuts and pair them with a piece of fruit to add some calories and nutrients, and you should be good to go!

Eggland's Best Hard-Cooked Peeled Eggs

Protein is a secret weapon when it comes to weight loss. Why? Research shows that protein can help you burn more calories, and it also increases the secretion of satiety hormones — the ones that help you feel full and satisfied after a meal.

These Eggland's Best Hard-Cooked Peeled Eggs ($3 for a six-pack) contain 5.5 grams of protein per egg, or 11 percent of the daily value. Plus, these eggs contain double the omega-3 fatty acids of other eggs, and they're a natural source of vitamin D — another nutrient that may help support your weight-loss goals. Combine one of these precooked and peeled eggs with an otherwise carbohydrate-rich breakfast to give your meal some serious staying power.

Regal New Zealand Smoked King Salmon

While eating seafood like salmon is linked to a slew of benefits, including reduced inflammation and body fat tissue in some populations, you probably don't have time to whip up a cooked salmon dish during the morning rush.

Enter: Regal New Zealand Salmon ($85 for an eight-pack), a smoked and pre-cooked salmon option that tastes better than most dishes you'll find at a restaurant. Antibiotic-free, non-GMO, and sustainably raised, this salmon makes eating fish in the morning actually doable. It comes preportioned, so all you have to do is thaw, unwrap, and enjoy. Pair your salmon with some rye crisps and sliced cucumber and tomato for a decadent breakfast.

Two Good Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of protein, probiotics, calcium, and fat — all of which are key to maintaining a healthy weight. In fact, studies have shown that eating yogurt can help prevent weight gain and disease, so keeping your fridge well-stocked is a smart move.

Two Good Yogurt ($2) is a delicious Greek yogurt that isn't loaded with added sugar. And because it comes in preportioned cups, there's no risk of overdoing it. Top your yogurt with some nut butter and berries for a balanced and simple breakfast.

Core Organic Overnight Oat Bars

Bars can be a lifesaver on busy days, and these Core Organic Overnight Oat Bars ($48 for a pack of 16) are one of the healthier options on the market. They're made with ingredients like whole-grain oats, peanuts, and chia seeds. Plus, each bar contains prebiotics and live probiotics to support gut health. Those probiotics may just help with your weight, too. In one study, a supplement containing the probiotic found in these bars, along with other strains of good bacteria, helped reduce body weight in those who were overweight.

Birch Benders Protein Toaster Waffles

Two of these Birch Benders Protein Toaster Waffles ($5 for six waffles) contain 11 grams of protein, a surefire way to give your breakfast some staying power. These waffles also take very little time to heat up, and they're super tasty on their own — no syrup or butter necessary. Pro tip: make a waffle sandwich using two toaster waffles, natural peanut butter, and fresh berries for a yummy breakfast on busy mornings.

Greensbury Market Organic Turkey Bacon

Turkey bacon is a quick and easy source of high-quality protein that goes great with just about anything. Greensbury Market Organic Turkey Bacon ($10 for eight slices) is antibiotic- and hormone-free, and it'll give your breakfast a whopping six grams of protein per slice. How's that for a satisfying meal?

Wyman's Cherry Berry & Kale Frozen Fruit

If smoothies are your jam, try adding Wyman's Cherry Berry and Kale Frozen Fruit ($14) to your cart. Eating more fruits and veggies is linked to a healthy weight, and this mix of frozen wild blueberries, cherries, and kale makes getting your fill so easy. Simply toss a handful in a blender with some liquid and protein for a breakfast that's loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and a slew of vitamins and minerals.

Mom's Best Raisin Bran

If you're looking for a quick and filling breakfast, try Mom's Best Raisin Bran ($38 for a pack of 10). Made with ingredients like whole wheat, raisins, and wheat bran, one serving of this cereal will give you a whopping eight grams of fiber — meeting approximately 30 percent of your daily needs before you've even finished your first cup of coffee.

Skippy No Sugar Added Peanut Butter Spread

Peanut butter is one of the most versatile and weight loss-friendly foods out there, as long as it contains the right ingredients. For a boost of protein and healthy fats in the morning, try a peanut butter that's made with just three things: peanuts, salt, and a little oil. This Skippy No Sugar Added Peanut Butter Spread ($13 for 16 oz) goes well with everything from smoothies to oatmeal to whole-grain toast, and adding a dollop to your breakfast will help ensure you make it through the morning cravings-free.

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