Dippin' Dots Cereal Exists, and We Need to Talk About the Creamy "Clusters"

The saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" absolutely does not apply to Dippin' Dots. Our favorite melt-in-your-mouth amusement park treat just got the breakfast makeover of our dreams, and, well, we're already craving three (or 12?) bowls. Earlier this week, Dippin' Dots cereal hit shelves at local Walmart stores in two dearly beloved flavors: Cookies 'n Cream and Banana Split.

OK, so the sugary cereals may not come from a frozen bag and melt on your tongue like the original Dippin' Dots dessert of our childhood (and adult) Summer days, but there are some major pros here. For starters, no one is judged for eating cereal for three meals a day — it's simply considered frugal. But start downing ice cream for breakfast and you may get some flak. Now you can indulge in Dippin' Dots any time of day! Aside from the obvious lip-smacking sugar high, the other pro to Dippin' Dots cereal is mobility. The cereal goes wherever you go: throw it in your purse or your gym bag, no freezer necessary.

Now, about the taste: Food blogger SnackGator blessed us with a passionate review of both flavors, describing the cereal as a "genius invention." Each of the flavors has a cream-coated cluster resembling original Dippin' Dots, which the blogger praises — "I think I'm in love with these Clusters." Unlike the ice cream, the cereal reportedly doesn't get soggy with milk and tastes exactly like the original flavors. Stop by your nearest Walmart to get a box of the Dippin' Dots cereal, and scroll through the Instagram photos to see how each flavor looks outside of the box.