We Tried the New Reese's Doughnut From Dunkin' Donuts So You Definitely Don't Have To

POPSUGAR Photography | Perri Konecky
POPSUGAR Photography | Perri Konecky

When we heard the news that Dunkin' Donuts combined two of our favorite treats in a magical hybrid Reese's Peanut Butter doughnut, we did what any respectable doughnut-lover would do and rushed to the nearest DD. After tasting its new pumpkin treats for Fall last week, our expectations were high, but there were a lot of mixed reviews from the POPSUGAR co-workers.

Dunkin' Donuts announced the release of its new doughnut, describing the new treat as "a creative twist" on a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup that's filled with a "buttercreme." The Dunkin' Donuts Reese's Peanut Butter Square is only available for a limited time, but you have to hear what the POPSUGAR team had to say about it before running to Dunkin'.

POPSUGAR Photography | Perri Konecky

Here's what some of our team members had to say about the new doughnut:

  • "I'd really rather just have a regular Reese's, the texture is off!"
  • "I would've preferred if it was glazed with a blend of chocolate and peanut butter icing with no filling. This is too sweet."
  • "I personally like the filling better than the actual doughnut."
  • "Peanut butter filling is slightly overwhelming!"
  • "I'm indifferent. I'd rather have pumpkin spice sweets. I wish it was real peanut butter."
  • "Not a fan of so much peanut butter."
  • "It's definitely reminiscent of a Reese's."


Although the Reese's special from Dunkin' Donuts wasn't the biggest hit, we'll always have our pumpkin spice favorites.