Your Morning Will Drastically Improve Thanks to These Girl Scout Cookie Doughnuts

Broad Street Dough Co. in New Jersey released three Girl Scout-cookie-flavored doughnuts: Thin Mints, Samoa (Caramel Delites), and Tagalongs (Peanut Butter Patties). Thank goodness someone finally figured out a way to incorporate these adored cookies into an equally beloved breakfast treat. It appears each doughnut mimics the cookie flavors in the glaze, but there's no skimping on actual Girl Scout cookies, as each doughnut is topped with half of a Girl Scout cookie as a garnish.

Cosmopolitan reports that the owner of the shop, Desdemona Dalia, purchases thousands of boxes of Girl Scout cookies each year, so her doughnut shop can produce these flavors until July. We applaud this doughnut maker for her contribution to Girl Scouts and for giving us a reason to book a trip to the East Coast this year!

#mmm @broadst_doughco 🍩

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